Thread: Is college still worth the investment?

USMCFLYR , 12-15-2009 05:17 PM
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For every negative there is a positive.

I wondered if I could Google 'College Degree and Potential Earnings' and come up with an article that would support my claim that an education would increase earning potential.

College Increases Earning Potential

I got 566,000 hits on that wording.
I only opened up the first one.

The first paragraph for those too lazy, or uninterested, to read the entire article (like myself):

Many of the benefits of education and a lifelong pursuit of learning are intangible, but an education can also pay big dividends in terms of future earning power. According to The College Board, college graduates earn 80% more on average than high school graduates. Over the course of your child's life, the difference in earning potential between a high school graduate and a college graduate is more than $1 million. Earning potential increases with each degree a student receives, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.
Now Sky - you search and find 566,000 articles that make a counterpoint and we'll call this disagreement a push. I know they are out there - - so others will just have to educate themselves and make up their own minds which road to take. Btw - there isn't one road that is right for everybody.
