Thread: Climategate
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Old 12-24-2009, 04:56 AM
Joined APC: Feb 2008
Position: whale wrangler
Posts: 3,527

Originally Posted by N2264J View Post
What your cartoon doesn't show very well is the loss of 278,000 square miles
of ice since 1979 (roughly the size of Texas). Also, it doesn't show the ice
sheet over the arctic getting thinner.

The arctic has been referred to as the canary in the mindshaft, in part
because it represents one of the dozens of feedback systems that act like
a self sustaining engine to exacerbate the problem ie the ice sheet reflects
the sun's rays back out into space - as ice is melted in the summer months,
it exposes sea water that absorbs the heat to melt adjacent ice, exposing
more ocean that is warmed and thereby melting more ice, etcetera.

The world's oceans are a natural carbon sink. Due to the increase of
carbon in the atmosphere that is being absorbed, the ocean's pH are
decreasing becoming more acidic. Acidic enough, in fact, to start
dissolving coral and shellfish shells.

Suffice it to say, the planet will no longer be able to support the current
number of human beings when the oceans start dying.

There's a difference between climate and weather. The Flat-earthers tend
to get wrapped around the axle about local weather and miss the big picture:
"It snowed in Houston this year so global warming must be a hoax." I'm starting
to think the denial is a defense mechanism to suppress panic.

Does this mean that Santa Claus will have to move ?

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