Thread: UPS will furlough

johnso29 , 12-29-2009 07:27 AM
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Quote: I don't wanna see any Pilots laid off, anywhere, it's just that much more competition If I get laid off.

Blaming the over 60 crowd for layoffs seems like an entitlement attitude to me, and flame bait at best.

good luck

Explain please. If a over 60 knew he had to retire at 60 when he started the job, and so did a guy who is currently under 60, then how is an under 60 guy who is upset that an over 60 guy is still flying a sense of entitlement attitude? Did the pilot who is flying past 60 not benefit from those in front of him being forced to retire at 60? Why should those junior to him not be afforded the same benefit?

Calling it a sense of entitlement attitude seems a little hypocritical.