Thread: Any "Latest & Greatest" about Delta?

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dtfl , 01-01-2010 10:59 AM
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Quote: If they did not displace of the 88 it is just a way to save a ton of training costs.
Good for you guys!
Interesting - from what I saw during my quick run-through - not a LOT of FDAL and FNWA moved to the other former side's aircraft..well not as many as I thought.

Some people stayed with the plane vs driving to work...interesting. I'm happy. I moved down 0.9% relatively.

Hope everyone came out ok. The wife and I are happy. My 4-yr old daugher doesn't care...she keeps asking me to help her play dress-up. Aaah to be young again. :-) (But I wouldn't be playing dress up I would be burning Army men)