Thread: Eclipse

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Ewfflyer , 01-28-2010 06:45 AM
Flying Farmer
Flying Farmer
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It was 360ktas for the cruise rather than 260. I was slated to fly one for my former employer on a 135. The numbers were going to work for 1-2 folks and full fuel. Our check-airman went to get typed and they flew it back, but the Eclipse guys continued with the plane due to our partner(being Mike Press, the now current owner of Eclipse) having 1/2 ownership in the plane and was leasing it back to Eclipse for demo flights. After the plane was grounded a few more times due to technical difficulties, my former boss backed out because he wanted the plane now, not in 2+years. Aside from those problems, our check-airman did say it flew very nicely though, it's just all the systems were junk!