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Old 02-21-2010, 02:58 PM
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Also let's all please drop the "Quality product" crap, everyone here flys rjs for a major airline, that is the product. No regional is any better than the rest just cheaper. An erj flown by XJT in united colors is no different than a erj flown by transtates in united colors, the only difference is the profit margin.

Which brings me to my next point which is mesa. Everyone that thinks mesa is going go away is in for a rude awakening. Mesa will come out meaner and leaner than they were before chpt. 11. With lower costs they will be able to bid on flying even cheaper than before. That is the cycle of the regional world, so the people who think their airline is better becuase of a "Quality product" are laughable.

The only airline that "gets it" is republic and one day we all may wish we had gone to work for them 4 years ago.
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