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Old 02-24-2010, 01:52 PM
Cubdriver's Avatar
Joined APC: May 2006
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That sounds like a good price on the SR20, but I am with Rama on this one for a number of reasons besides the valid ones mentioned.

1. I see that way too much heads-down time happens with glass panel primary students.
2. Glass panel makes a lot of things too easy and makes you dependent on them. Private pilot is a thinking pilot, not a computer programmer. That can come later.
3. It is getting better and some instructors are better than others, but simulating equipment failures in a glass panel is harder to do well.
4. Glass panel systems are unfortunately still not perfect during upset maneuvers. They do a lot of strange things like "x" out and say things that are not true. Students are preoccupied with unusual attitudes as it is, they don't need failures on top of that.
5. Instructors tend to fool with them too much when they should be teaching.
6. Cross countries are far too easy with a moving map. I want to see real pilotage going on.

And so on. I love glass panel airplanes, but I am on the side that primary trainers still need to be "old school" until the private ticket is obtained.
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