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Old 03-01-2010, 08:25 AM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Aug 2009
Position: Right 737
Posts: 85


I think his "corp" stands for "corporation" vice "Corps". I could be wrong though. What company (TBS '95)? Fox '95 (blizzard '96 was no bueno!)


You do have a decision to make. We are still overmanned; March lines were not rigged (min guarantees). There are still a lot of min paying trips though.

Do you know where you fall in the pool? Top, middle, bottom, .... Though it may not matter much. We are still overmanned and can pretty much absorb the 10 a/c we are scheduled to get this year without hiring a person (this includes not retiring the a/c we have scheduled). JMO though. The FO JA rate may tick up, prompting a NH class or two. NH classes run around 20 - 25 folks. We have a about 20 CAs retiring this year, but not enough to make any movement. We have more flying in the summer months, and usual hire around this time to fill those summer seats. No classes today is not a good thing. Though training is busy with the RNP thing.

IMO, I don't think we'll hire much, if any this year. I do so hope I am wrong, but until the economy (primarily our industry) shows at least a couple quarters of growth, we'll just chug along doing what we are doing (or scheduled to do this year). We are putting some serious assets in DEN, & STL. GK is very happy with BOS, MSP and LGA, so I would not be surprised if he focuses on those cities this year (LGA may be the big pole in the tent here). Opening Panama Beach in May. We (junior pilots) are worried he intends to buy someone, I hope he does not. Don't think the stockholders are very happy with LUV these last few years. .... Ah you probably know better than I what our plans are.

Now, regarding your AR/AD gig. I'm guessing it is as a Herc crew chief? Deploying? I was told early last year (been awhile now), HQ is NOT writing AD orders for anything other than combat deployment. 24 months of getting shot at was enough for me; got the shirt, sans the medal Now I am just chugging along in the IRR, bits and pieces here and there. It's a personal choice; if I was single I would not have left AD, or been actively searching USMC gigs since I left. Now I prefer managing my kids T-ball team. Which at times is harder

Anyhow, good luck with your choice, and thank you for your service.

Semper Fi Marine!


Last edited by Kdog18; 03-01-2010 at 08:52 AM.
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