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Old 03-27-2010, 05:00 PM
Joined APC: Oct 2008
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Originally Posted by XtremeF150 View Post
...but thats just the way it is. I think all young ppl these days understand that you MUST go on to higher...
And that is the exact problem with the Lower 48/Mainland, "that's just the way it is", an attitude that is getting translated into every aspect of this profession... I didn't finish college because it did nothing for me (and if I had done so I'd be flipping burgers right now as I would have just graduated instead of doing what I'm doing), just look at how people are being indoctrinated into this profession... "you're going to make less than a McDonald's Janitor because... that's just the way it is"; "we're going to hire any monkey we can find to fill the seat because... that's just the way it is"; "we're not going to acknowledge the fact that you deserve to lead a livable lifestyle/schedule because... that's just the way it is."; "we're going to buy, merge, sell and trade these airlines like baseball cards because... that's just the way it is"...

Why is everything a MUST to so many people? Why is there a drive to attempt to package each and every individual into a nicely labeled and sealed box that is ready to be a yes man/woman at whichever place they happen to get a job at. Where is the desire to achieve greater feats and set greater life goals, not purely educational/"piece of paper" ones? Why is it all directed at following this path given to us from on high as the only possible answer to achieving something in life? There are still a few places where common sense serves a purpose, and thankfully it allows me to be more than just an employee number who was selected out of a pile of 20,000 based on having the correct check marks and the right answer to an ink blot test.
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