Thread: ERAU trying to STOP the 1500hr requirement!

crabinow16 , 04-07-2010 06:45 AM
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With the upgraded Mins for Part 121 flying do you support a decrease for Part 135? Because there is a fundamental flaw here those right seat jobs in a 1900 or 99 or Navajo that the guys in the 80's were able to get just don't exist. Right now those companies since they don't need the right seater then why have them. Or if you want to sit right seat you can drop 20K and sit there for 300 hours. I believe that I am not ready to be thrust into the part 121 job pool I don't have enough expierence but the only issue that i can see witht hat theory is I have no idea how to get that expierience the small cargo operator field has dried up there a a ton of furloughed pilots with thousands of hours expierience and the economy is down meaning that not many people are getting training on how to fly.