Thread: Retirement
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Old 11-10-2006, 06:31 AM
Flare Armed
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Joined APC: Aug 2006
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My wife and I just watched that Frontline show, and it was very timely considering we had just gone through our yearly retirement/insurance assesment. We do it every year to make sure we're on track and covered for whatever life might throw at us.

That show is a must-see for every worker in this country. Bottom line is to start saving as early and as much as you possibly can. I started a 401k as a 25-year-old commuter captain and now as a 34yr old 737 FO, it is doing very well. I'm jealous of you guys that were smart enough to start saving at 18!

Despite what the negatrons say, even with the loss of the traditional pension here at Delta, anyone on property should be able to max out their 401k, combine that with DC plan savings and have a very nice (read: multi-million-dollar in 25-30 years) retirement. That's at a meager 7% average gain, and you should be able to do far better than that most years.

Skyhigh can compare retirements & earnings between pilots, doctors, police officers, and McDonalds workers all he wants, but I just don't see the point...there will always be a job that pays more or seems rosier. I love what I do...we all know that most other people can't say that.
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