Thread: AA to recall soon?

eaglefly , 04-10-2010 11:10 AM
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    Jun 2008
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Quote: Never treated anyone poorly.. Even after being lectured by a couple of your Captains in the jumpseat. Hopefully you aren't taking these message boards to seriously, as I would otherwise easily consider you and many others AA hater.

AA (prior Simmons)
I have no illusions about AA pilots, a few are actually friends. 95% of our pilots had no unpleasant interactions with any flowback AA pilots. Those that did were virtually all angry F/O's who didn't understand the ramifications of Letter 3 when they signed on and were unhappy about the situation. Very few captains (and I'll bet not a single senior flowthrough) cared as the flowback situation was all beneath them senioirty wise and thus of no consequence.

A check airman or two might have been among those with a grudge, but some were also avoided by Eagle pilots as well, so it may have been a less then desirable person aggrivated further for some flowbacks. There were a few complete jerks in the flowback ranks as well, but when all boiled down, any group mentioned here was an EXTREME minority.

I take this forum the same with little seriousness and an understanding of the breakdown of tools.