Thread: Would Like Opinion on UPT Slot.

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rickair7777 , 05-05-2010 12:27 PM
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Quote: There are units everywhere, and this guy would be at the top of the stack at some of them. Lay off him. The Aviation Degree bashing is starting to hit an extreme. I think the "lackluster" comment was out of line. Good GPA, extra-curriculars would be nice...but 3.4 is not lackluster, and he responded appropriately.
Lighten up.

My GPA was much, much worse, I'm not bashing I'm trying portray the thought process that people on the board might have...odds are they were textbook overachievers and view things through their own paradigm.

A guard unit is much more likely to take whole-person intangibles into account, such as he's a great guy, worked hard to put himself through school.

The AD components look more at the easily quantifiable metrics...the point was to make sure he documents the kinds of things which might help.

He is a middle-of-the-road applicant as things stand...his odds depend on needs of the service the day he applies