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Old 05-13-2010, 11:55 AM
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Originally Posted by LeineLodge View Post
If this is for real, I am waaaay less concerned with the travelling public's "rights" than I am of a supposed security professional acting out like a 5th grader. The article focuses on the civil liberties aspect (which is BS) and quickly disregards the TSA agent's lack of ability to act like a grownup and go through the proper channels. If the harassment was as bad as he says it was, it should have been handled through the workplace chain of authority, not a schoolyard "beatdown." They were both wrong.

Is anyone else getting tired of worrying about the public's "rights"??? We need to grow some stones and stop being so apologetic for everything we do. We are handicapping (oops, don't want to offend anyone ), I mean limiting our ability to protect ourselves with all this politically correct "I have rights" bull$hit. I am a male between 18 and 45 with dark features. I would welcome an environment that profiles everyone in my demographic, because you know what?? It's always this demographic that's causing the problems! If they need to scan my unit to be sure I'm not wearing explosive genitalia jewelry, then so be it. That is a right that should be forfeited if you want safe transportation from A to B. If you don't like it, drive.

Sorry for the rant, but this $hit really grinds my gears (just watched Family Guy )

It's great you want to give up your "rights", however, I am not willing to give up mine.

Perhaps a little less cowardice is the answer.

Choosing security over liberty is a false choice. Almost as false as your assumption that terrorism is only caused by one certain group. Remind us the color/ethnicity of the guy that just ran his plane into the IRS building? How about Tim McVeigh? The Uni-bomber? How about that militant religious group from Michigan they just busted? What color or religion were they?

Terrorism only works if you allow yourself to be scared. Quit being a baby.

Last edited by hair-on-fire; 05-13-2010 at 01:56 PM.
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