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Old 06-26-2010, 09:46 AM
Bill Lumberg
Joined APC: Jul 2006
Position: Space Shuttle PIC
Posts: 2,007

Originally Posted by newKnow View Post
Good morning gentlemen,

Just some thoughts after catching up on this thread.

Do you know how you can tell the difference between a North pilot and a South Pilot? You can't. We all look the same now. From what I have seen, in the airports and crew vans, we are all pretty much the same as well. A great bunch of guys and gals.

But, for some reason, when we get on APC, our claws come out.

So, maybe on here when we see an old "North guy" complain about the way things are going, we should just think of him as a Delta pilot who is complaining about how things are going.

Maybe when we see an old "South guy" defend the way things are going, we should just see a Delta pilot defending the way things are going.

Then you can debate issues and not colors.

Ok. Back to studying.....
North pilots have newer hats.
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