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Old 07-14-2010, 09:49 AM
Joined APC: Oct 2008
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Originally Posted by erictgill View Post
Im quite the opposite, flipping burgers isnt something I would enjoy at any salary. I think alot of people who make aviation a career would agree its a field for those who truely have a passion for it. Why else do they go through hell for such low salary? Those who quickly realise being a pilot is not for them usually are out within the first few years. If I had to working for 16,000 a year I would probly would rather fly and building hours rather than flip burgers or sweep and mop floors. Besides 16,000 isnt going to leave me broke I have a wife who works and a few investments I made while I was deployed.
I said I WAS NOT going to flip burgers for 16k/year and I WILL NOT fly a jet for 16k/year (I made that in 3 months flying 207s), the fact that you (or anyone) would accept a job flying a jet aircraft for less than my yearly housing allowance tells me that they are willing to become an indentured servant to a company (and a bad company at that), that is just plain wrong.

I don't care how much passion you have if you don't have the desire to command a respectable salary for the time and effort you put forth to become (in this case) a commercial pilot then you've simply got stars in your eyes and are as gullible as a "teenager in love".
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