Thread: Retirement at age 70

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paladin , 09-07-2010 02:44 PM
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Quote: I hope to meet you someday and shake your hand sir. I am 31, and you are the guy I was striving to be as a kid. I am now 31, and fly charter, and realize that the days of yesterday, which you were a part of, are gone because of the new "I got mine!" attitude that people have picked up. I will never make it to the airlines because of the way things are now, but man, I wish I could have sat right seat next to someone like you.

If you can still pass the physical and the checkrides, there is no reason why you shouldn't be there. Because there are people who are 30-40 who can pass both of those, and shouldn't be there.
Thank you for the nice words MS I really appreciate them and someday I would like to shake your hand. It doesn’t seem that long ago that I was 31 scratching around and trying to make a living flying airplanes. I had separated from the Air Force only a few years before hoping to make it, as it is known in baseball, to the “big show”. That was in the late seventies and there were a couple of years the airlines were hiring but the market was flooded with pilots and my 30th birthday came and went. Back then if you were over 30 the airlines wouldn’t look at you. I kicked around a few years flying corporate and charter and finally the opportunity to do what I had always wanted came along. I thought about it, weighed the pros and cons, and haven’t looked back. It’s been a hell of ride and a great career. You only go around once in life and in these last few years I intend to relish every moment; the good with the bad. I guess my point in all this is if this is what you truly want, hang in there, be the best you can be at it and something good will come your way. The only caveat being there are no guarantees. Thanks again and I would be proud to fly in your right seat.