Thread: CAL System Bid

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ualratt , 09-10-2010 03:07 PM
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Quote: I think that is actually a problem. Now the following statement has nothing to do with goodwill, etc. But buy allowing UAL furloughs to be hired on I can see some negative consequences to the CAL bottom line. CAL will pay out of its coffers the last years pay of the UAL pilots, including all during indoc and training while they are not producing, medical, etc, training and providing types if necessary and including them in the pool of profit sharing. Something to think about. Glad they will be part of the combined company, but I see it only as an act of goodwill. I see no return and actually the same pilots that take the offer may still complain that they MAY be integrated below the CAL furloughs that have just been recalled on paper. Flame away
Hey Joe Blow quit knocking your scalp to come up with such bullchit. Ever thought to match Smisek's commitment to no base salary until the company turns a profit? Consider it you "sorry self"!! You're probably thinking that somehow you are a burden on the company coffers as well, don't you?