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Old 09-22-2010, 01:12 PM
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Originally Posted by acl65pilot
I dunno, the reps from 20 seem to be taking the lead for their pilots. The SLC reps seem to be forcing some issues, the ATL reps seem to be sticking with the idea of change and communication. I want to see how these guys perform at the BOD. I want to give the third of our reps that were just voted in on a platform of listening and change a chance to do just that. After all it is these same reps that will vote at the BOD.

I know I have a a few reps that listen and take notes when I offer suggestions. Better yet they use them. I see that as significant progress. I want to give them the opportunity to go up to National and see if they can do what they say they want to do. They want accountability and I want to see them make people accountable. Most of us like our LEC and DALPA guys so lets trust them to go knock some heads around.

Do I like the ineffectiveness that our current National President has? Nope not on your life. I also do not think he has a snowballs chance in winning. If he does win I will question the process.

Like I have said, I do not mind that you guys want to force the issue and make ALPA accountable for their actions or inaction. I am just stating that it is my belief that ALPA can and will react to this. They have no choice. I agree that Unit One and Two's pay has always gone up when ours has not. I want them to realize the environment they are in. I suspect that they will realize that if they push the issue they will realize that UAUA and DAL will break off and ALPA will be in CH 11 or 7. They will be without a lot of their money either way. I suspect that this dialogue has been going on for quite some time before DPA came to these boards or was even a solid idea. It may in fact force many of these and other issues to the front burner, and I have no issue with that.

In the end my argument as been that the structure of ALPA offers more benefits than that of a lose federation of independent associations. This is where my "fears" of "unintended consequences" comes from. It is not that I have no issue with the excesses many of you see.

Things I want changed:
1) Excess in spending for many of the items you all raise.

2) Better leases of business space we use for our associations business. DALPA has done a good job at this.

3) A more direct process for electing our National Leaders. Some sort of electoral college type set up or direct vote by the rank and file for these people. I also want an accumulator in the system that allows only the reps to recall/impeach and not the rank and file. It is needed for stability

4) I would like to see some to all of the executive managers not the pilots but the employees that last administration to administration to be steam lined. (Cut Fat)

5) I would like to see actual positions taken on many issues. Not rhetoric but defendable positions not political speak. IMO it is ok to lose and be on the wrong side of an issue occasionally.

The difference is that I beleive that the pilots that are our and other MEC's reps have it within them to effect these changes. I do hope a few of them can be put on the agenda this time around. I want to allow the process to work because there are so many benefit to ALPA that the average line guy does not see unless they are in some serious trouble. There are also benefits to working in this sort of structure that you cannot assign a value to. Losing these items will result in opportunities for many parties to take advantage of the power vacuum that will result.

I have addressed in previous posts some of these items so go look at my 30 or so posts in here. I personally hear everything you are saying and do not disagree that some things need to change, I just think the vehicle for change is already in place.
To all (somewhat specifically ACL):

One point to consder on the "Coat tails of ALPA":

If SWAPA rides the those coat tails how can they keep their dues so low, they must be paying somebody for Aero, etc.

Found this on another thread:

Originally Posted by JDFlyer
Poolie here . . . quick question and a momentary thread hijack.

I am over in the Regional threads talking union stuff. The allegation has been made over there that SWAPA dues are much greater than ALPA dues (1.95% I believe).

My understanding is that SWAPA dues are 1% and that SWAPA's President, Mr. CK, makes 125% of line captain pay as his salary for his duties.

Could you are any SWA pilot who has the time or cares to comment just briefly summarize the SWAPA dues.

(I have searched APC for the answer to this question that I know has been asked before, but I am not getting any good search results.)

SWAPA dues are 1% of your earnings.

.25% while you're on probation.

We (Delta) are paying double what SWA is paying - that makes our pay gap even larger.

Just something more to think about.
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