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Old 09-28-2010, 11:09 AM
Elmer Fudd
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Originally Posted by Bucking Bar View Post
But what if we use more than we deposited? It invalidates your argument for decertification. One of SkyWest's arguments for not joining ALPA was that the Regional pilots did not want to subsidize legacy screw ups.
Exactly. They shouldn't have to pay for Legacy screw ups. Nor should a Legacy carrier pay for a Regional's expenses.

We have set up a system that rewards experience. New hires lack the longevity that maybe a 20 year ALPA employee might have. Are we making an Apples to Apples comparison?
You are totally correct. We should have a system that rewards experience. The new hire pilot has a background in pretty extensive flight training. Many written tests, oral exams by the FAA, and a host of aircraft and simulator checkrides. Quite a few medical exams along the way also. Then, off to fly aircraft for several years, some in adverse conditions, before getting hired at an airline. Then they are in charge of flying passengers around, our family & friends.

OTOH, a high school graduate answers a newspaper ad for a "Communications Specialist" position at ALPA. IOW, answering the phone. They, like the new hire pilot, graduated high school, but the ALPA phone person makes more than the new hire. I can't justify that. I guess I just think the pilot is worth more.

If I run off the runway on some dark night on the other side of the planet and am facing a team of Police investigators who I can't understand, the last thing on my mind is going to be how much the person answering the phone gets paid. I'm just happy they are there and on my side with answers to questions that I've never contemplated. Same situation when a letter comes from Oklahoma stating my medical is in question because of an ECG a decade ago.
I have no beef with the people on the other end of the phone. It is a great service. My point is, that you, as a professional airline pilot, should be paid commensurate with your skills---so should they. The fact that their pay is twice as much as yours is the problem with ALPA NATL. The bureaucracy favors the office worker, rather than raising the pay for the junior pilots. The tail is wagging the dog. YOU are sending YOUR DUES MONEY to pay someone who is not as qualified as you.....more money than you.

So much of ALPA's work is done by volunteers that we get a tremendous deal in any event.If they are "interested in the same jobs" let ALPA facilitate those employment goals, as ALPA just did with the Compass and Mesaba pilots. We do have the same goals of improving pilot pay, career security and advancement. Rather than finding Counsel for divorce, we should get a little marriage counseling.
ALPA can't effectively represent two groups that are after the same job.
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