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Old 11-06-2010, 07:39 PM
Da Hudge
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Originally Posted by Carl Spackler View Post
Because now it's broken. Not my opinion, it's the opinion of upper management as they struggle with procedures to help our current problem of on-time arrivals, fuel overburns, large fuel underburns resulting in carrying too much fuel and not enough payload (emphasis on "pay"), etc.

Our management is struggling to find solutions. Nosmo is offering some is a lot of us former NWA guys. I'm pleased to hear that management might be listening - despite your seeming desire to stay with the way it's always been done.


You started in the right direction, and strayed off course. I think most of the questions come from how something that worked so well and so efficiently all of a sudden doesn't work well anymore.

I believe the answer lies more in the integration fumbling than in the actual program itself. We've got stuff that works great with the square peg. Ya'll use a circle peg. They both worked great. Now we're trying to take said square peg and put it in the circular hole. Similar would have happened for vice versa.

Regardless, let's not go down that idiotic road again and look ahead to the future to the next gen technology that is coming. It's assinine to continue to argue the merits of either.
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