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Old 11-15-2010, 09:21 AM
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AZFlyer's Avatar
Joined APC: Feb 2007
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The Israeli's may have the security/screening/profiling gig down pretty well, but they also have far less traffic/passenger volume to deal with.

When the TSA was first created, the hiring requirements to become a TSA 'officer' were much higher than they are now in terms of education, background, previous job experience, etc. Unfortunately, not even remotely enough people that met the qualifications applied for the job. However, the TSA's inability to properly staff the airports with educated and experienced 'officers' was largely due to the fact that the TSA was not offering a commensurate wage for the qualifications they were asking of people. (Surprised??) As a result, the job has become the government equivalent of being a Wendy's burger flipper, that it is today.

I'm not trying to over simplify things, but it is entirely possible that the TSA could have been an entirely different animal than what it is today, if they had only put down a little more cash. They (and we) are getting what they paid for.

I for one can't wait to go through the nude-o-scope with a sign stuck under my shirt that tells them, explicitly, how I feel about them.
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