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Old 12-09-2006, 10:25 AM
Sideshow Bob
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Originally Posted by B757200ER View Post
That's good news; home for the holidays.

I've lost a great deal of respect for Brazil as a civilized, diplomatic and honest country. They are no more than a corrupt, backwards, third-world, dishonest, disorganized and propaganda-spewing terrirtory. Their media, their government and their miltary (not to mention their ATC) are disreputable, incompetent and biased. The country has violated ICAO rules of int'l aviation regarding accidents, and their criminalization of this accident is misguided, corruption-filled and obviously searching for a scapegoat. They need to look no further than their own military ATC system and their own government to find where the REAL blame lies.

Brazilians should be ashamed of their government, their miltary and their obviously FATALLY-flawed ATC system. Absolutely, totally ridiculous. Their treatment of these 2 pilots should not go unpunished. This lawless country should get NO financial or economic aid from any civilized country whatsoever.
Virtually all of SA is headed for a Cuba style socialist/bananna republic portolet. Hugo Chavez who is aligning with the ChiComs will infect the rest within 20 years and it will be Cold War II (this time with the PRC) leading to a showdown over territory and resources just like last time (unless CIA/NSA are able to whack him soon). The only bright spot is that ultimately the CHiComs will have to deal with their own Islamofascist problems and we will have a marriage of convenience to eradicate those cockroaches once and for all. Afterall our military/industrial complex has to have a villian <g>.

In the meantime, on the cargo side at least it is apparent that SA isn't morphing into the China-style sweatshop market they thought it would...for now at least.
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