Thread: TSA Issues: A Combined List

EYBusdriver , 11-18-2010 02:20 AM
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Full body scans and enhanced pat downs may be the proverbial straw that broke the camels back. Most people are fed up with the McDonalds rejects with tin badges who think they are law enforcement officers, Barney Fiffe is more suited for their job.
The TSA is a reactive agency whose actions are always a response to the last threat and are not looking at the next threat. Mankind has always had terror, violence and war but this time around we have surrendered (or maybe not seeing the reaction this time around) and the bad guys have won. Our livelihood is threatened because many people are electing not to fly rather than having to put up with the BS being meted out to the traveling public and crews. I've had a "slow burn" over the years seeing the layers and layers of theatrical security and the hoops we have to jump through, since then I've limited my air travel to job related and necessary trips only. Unless things change I'll be using general aviation or road travel when I hang up my uniform. I am not against security, look how it's handled by El Al, I am against this farce being foisted on us by Too Stupid for Arby's.