Thread: Paying back severance pay

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KennHC130 , 11-22-2010 05:26 AM
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Don't know what to tell you dude. I should clarify that I wasn't upset about it, and was quite glad for it. I wanted out at the time to pursue an airline career. I had made it quite clear to my superiors that I would not accept a staff tour/non-flying assignment and that I only wanted to stay "in the seat". That was definitely not playing the game at that time and probably had much to do with it. I am grateful the AF took me back after 9-11 and have enjoyed it thoroughly. The only thing I'm upset about is why wasn't I told this when I came back so I could plan accordingly. Not cool to spring that on someone once they retire, and was wondering if it has happenned to anyone else and what they did about it.