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Old 12-12-2010, 02:38 PM
Gets Weekends Off
Joined APC: May 2010
Position: A320 FO
Posts: 900

I remember the reps we had before the shake up. I couldn't even point them out to you in a lineup. The first time I met the MEM CA rep was at the LEC when voting to recall him. I'd exchanged e-mails and posts on the company message board with him. I was basically told I was junior, not here long enough and didn't "get it." If they guy had punched me in the mouth in the crew room, I wouldn't have known it was him unless he introduced himself. I could tell from the forum posts that his stance on issues and how he felt did not reflect how I wanted to be represented. Now, not only can I point to my local reps, I know EXACTLY where both of them stand on issues. One of our biggest problems in the past has been lack of communication. It's a problem that has since done a complete 180.

Those saying it was a "vocal minority" that pushed the picketing are, frankly, talking out of their asses.

And for those saying "just because management drug their feet in the past, forget it. It's a whole new ball game now." Well, if you're an antelope, see a lion eat another antelope on the Serengeti, do you sit there and say "Well, maybe he won't eat me. I'm a different antelope." The questions everyone should be asking aren't "How long did it take for you to get the already TA'ed sections wrapped up last time?" it's "How long did it take you to get Sections 3, 25, 27 and the others wrapped up?" Answer: over a year of negotiations AFTER the failed TA, and they're not close. I will be shocked and amazed if those same sections are closed by Christmas.
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