Thread: FAA seeks to fine Continental and AE

RightSeat4Eva , 12-23-2010 11:21 AM
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Quote: Who cares about the poor? I used to work at a rent to own store when I was in school. 99% of the customers were from the hood. Within 3 seconds of walking in the front door you can tell why they are poor trash. Poverty is a mental disease in the U.S. With all the opportunity we have available to us here the only reason you are poor is because you choose to be.

Poor people need to quit whining pal. I have been into hundreds of section 8 houses and apartments. They live better than most working families. I have seen these clowns in the line at the grocery store buying steak and expensive name brand stuff I dont even buy due to the cost, then they pay for their beer and smokes with cash. Screw the poor and their sympathizers. You need to get out in the real world pal. That libtard liberal arts college crap doesn't fly with me. American poor live better than the middle class in many countries.
OK, way to be racist. Being poor affects more than just African Americans. You're limited view of poverty is only a small slice of the reality. And yeah, some of those "poor" people aren't as poor as they would claim because they are selling drugs, prostituting and doing other illegal activities to get cash with out having to report it. But that is a separate issue that needs to be addressed and much more harshly than is currently done.

All I'm saying is that a flat tax would make it even harder for those who do want to make it out of poverty to succeed.

As for your argument that people choose to be poor, I don't think anyone WANTS to be poor. Are there people who want to be lazy? Sure. Are there people that don't do a good job and don't deserve to make a lot of money? Sure. But there are plenty of people in poverty who were just unlucky and had the perfect storm hit them. Could some of them have made smarter choices? Probably but we're all only human. I'm not saying there shouldn't be poverty. Some poverty will always exist, because some people don't want to work. Fine. Let them be poor if that's their choice. But let's not make the rules in such a way that we make it harder for them to get out from that situation if they chose to.