Thread: Comair Interviews

Pantera , 12-15-2006 05:54 AM
Gets Weekends Off
Gets Weekends Off
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Someone up there asked what the first couple weeks was like. It is a lot of fun and also a lot of work. Pretty much 8-3:30 or 4:00 M-F. First day is paperwork and stuff and explanations of benefits and pass riding and all kind of HR stuff. Then basic indoc starts (note: this is how my class was but there are changes to this now so expect something different) and you do that for a week and end it with a written test which wasn't all that bad. It is on regs and duty time and ops type questions which you will all learn. Second week you go into systems training......this is where the fun starts : ) It is very fast paced and if you have never seen a CRJ before it is all new stuff and tough. It ends with another written test. If you study and do the homework and prepare and go into it with the mindset of success it is attainable. If you come here thinking you can just skate by it isn't going to happen. I let you know how the rest goes in a week or two.

Everyone that has instructed us at Comair is professional and very good at what they do. They keep your attention and there is usually a break at least every hour or so for a few minutes. If you have interviewed then I probably don't need to tell you about the cafeteria at Comair which is where most people go for lunch.
The Radisson is not too bad just make sure you ask for a room on the opposite side of the highway. I highly suggest bringing a POV as there are no stores close by.

One last might want to bring a wheel barrow for all the books they give you! No kidding!