Thread: The AirTran Pilots' Windfall and SLI

WHACKMASTER , 01-05-2011 02:09 PM
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    DOWNGRADE COMPLETE: Thanks Gary. Thanks SWAPA.
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Quote: It's funny how you Air Tran guys think you are owed something... Our culture is more than just slinging the gear up and down and making callouts. It may be very lonely in your world if this SLI goes the wrong way.... I'm just sayin...once again... I'll just leave it at that.
Owed something? The only thing I feel that I'm "owed" is a fair SLI being that we as an airline bring a hell of a lot to the deal. Don't believe me when I say that, believe your own CEO. He's been spouting off publically for a while now about just how much SWA needs this deal inorder to start growth again.

Btw, it's AirTran..........not Air Tran, and yes there IS two Os in Goose, boys.