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Old 01-06-2011, 08:07 AM
seeing the large hubs...
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Originally Posted by johnso29 View Post
It seems the 50 seaters are slowly dying from an economic standpoint. It's obvious that several Regional CEO's are recognizing this, as we can see them scrambling for consolidation and larger RJs.

So, how do we recapture 76 seat flying? The EMB175 is easier to tackle then the CRJ900. There are far less EMB175's in the system, but the CRJ900's are plentiful. Just look at Pinnacle, Mesaba, ASA, & Skywest.

So how do we take them back?
Call me crazy, but maybe the first step would be our leadership saying that Scope is important.

Did you read the Council 20 Update this morning? For those outside the DTW council, here's what was said:

Some pilots have expressed concern with Captain O’Malley for failing to address scope in his letter. Scope was previously addressed by the MEC in resolution 09-144; a Council 20 submitted resolution. The resolution was unanimously approved by the MEC. The resolution states:

Agenda Item 09-144 Mainline Flying Restoration – submitted by Council 20

Maker: Hay Second: McDonald Passed: Unanimous.

BE IT RESOLVED the Delta Master Executive Council affirms its commitment to enforcing and improving all sections of the Pilot Working Agreement, and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED the Delta Master Executive Council affirms Section 1 of the Pilot Working Agreement is an integral part of a comprehensive strategy to protect the careers of all Delta pilots.

The DAL MEC has committed to protecting and improving scope. The Negotiating Committee takes direction from the elected representatives; who take it from you, the line pilot. Please participate in the process as the MEC Chairman has requested. At the November MEC meeting, the MEC directed the Scheduling Committee to create a rotation questionnaire, e.g. preferences on rotation length, mixing international and domestic in a rotation, flight time per day, etc. We hope to have the questionnaire available for your participation soon.


I personally would like a stronger statement, than a "eh, we said it last year"
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