Thread: This will open a can of worms

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meloveboeing , 01-24-2011 07:42 AM
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after making my post I spoke to some ex-alpa respresentative about the issue and one important aspect they brought up is that if we vote ALPA out, we will have less funds available when we need them most during contract negotiantion. Along with some other things that ALPA offers.

As far as the issue of all flying to be done by CO/UA. Well, this came from a couple of pilots I spoke to that were at Express when the jets showed up, and it was actually also confirmed by one management pilot. Management initially offered the EMB 145 to mainline pilots and they turned it down! I am not sure if it was an ego thing, or maybe a pay issue, I actually even read a coment about a mailine pilot not carring to fly a small jet because the pay would be to low. Also, CO pilots were not interested in merging the seniority list between Express and CO. So now they want all the flying back? Yeah, of course I would love to be flying for CO and making more money, there is no doubt that any pilot at XJT would love to be fllying the EMB 145 for CO for more money, but what is the reality of it? Regionals will stay regionals and mainline will stay mainline and therefore I still think it is better for the Regionals to have their own representation.

EWRBLOWS, man you hit the nail right on the head. STOP ALLLL negotiation until the pass travel is fixed to our satisfaction!

And yes, our MEC Vice Chairman going to a management position was a big slap in the face to all of us.

Perhaps voting ALPA out now may not be the right move, but we need to get new leadership.