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Old 03-01-2011, 04:24 AM
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Joined APC: Feb 2011
Position: MD-11 FO
Posts: 59

Again, it all comes down to your unit. If you brought this to the guys in my unit, you might get a mixed reaction. There is work and flying to be done here. We have plenty of young guys who do nothing but fly for us because there is a lot to go around and you can keep yourself very busy. Other planes, other units will be different. That is my point. You have to ask around and find out how much work is there at the unit you are trying to get into to know if you'll need an outside job or not.

My point about the regionals is that if you are in a unit flying heavy metal, you can get a lot of hours and feed the family, why go to a regional? If you are in a unit where there is little work, and you need something else to fill the check book, then it might be a good option for you. I'm just trying to say don't run to them just because you think you need to. It's a lot of work for very low pay. If you can get hours strictly in your unit, then I would do that. That's all.
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