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Old 03-01-2011, 04:06 PM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Feb 2011
Posts: 55

I would also like it to be known that I AM NOT looking to go into the ANG as a pilot and use it as a "stepping stone" into a regional. I am looking to dedicate 120% of my time as a MILITARY PILOT. ANG first, everything else second. I have always wanted to serve our nation and what a better opportunity?

Flying for a regional would be something nice to do maybe ten years down the road of the national guard IF I feel the need to do so.

My goal is to get a UPT slot in my desired location (if this doesn't happen, I am willing to relocate), work my rear-end off, possibly get promoted, and serve there until my unit decides to kick me out. If I were offered a higher full-time position in the guard opposed to a regional job. I'd take the guard anyday. I want to invest time into something that will make me a better person and better society.

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