Thread: Compass updates
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Old 03-06-2011, 03:22 PM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Jun 2010
Posts: 91

Originally Posted by Corbs View Post
I chose Compass over a recall at XJ and a current 135 job.
Let's hope it's the right move.

I will say this though - originally accepting the interview as a means to practice and get a feel for the testing process used at Delta, I was moderately surprised by the information provided. And now granted, everything is a gamble in the this industry and I am never a firm believer in anything unless I see it - but in this case, 3 things stood out to me as a real attention-getter (and hopefully y'all currently on property can affirm or deny my take on the deal)... and PS that would give me 4 days to rethink my decision - lol.

1> 12 New Airplanes. One is scheduled in May - and it is scheduled for flight in the Delta system (which says to me, that we'd see one for sure). (info provided from the CP).
2> The company was pretty clear to note the difference between Trans States Holdings and the actual airline. Now, I fully realize - owned by the same dude; however, I was informed however, that 3 certificates are in fact needed in this company's "asset book" so the likelihood of another 9E-type merger is highly unlikely. Further, the main interactions between CPZ and TSH have really been focused on the managerial / budget side. (info from HR and CP).
3> QOL has the potential to increase quickly - quickly meaning decreased reserve times as more crews are hired and potential upgrade time (resting on DLs decisions of course) as those that can flow - do so. Three new hire classes already planned for March (info from one of the current pilots).

So, as the interview process went on and I decoded some symbols, moved a line back and forth, and reassured the computer that I have no intent to harm myself, followed by some great questions and discussion with the interview panel, I became more excited about the opportunity to work there.

Let's see what March 10th has to offer! Take care!

The 12 airplanes is official, but as always, until they are on the property.....

We have been told that they expect to keep us seperate from TS and the "other" airline under the TSH portfolio. That being said, things could get interesting when two of the contracts go up for renegotiation in a little under two years.

QOL should improve quickly depending on whether things move or not. Keep in mind that although Compass pilots can flow up, Delta pilots can also flow down. If oil continues to get out of control, things can change very quickly for the worst.

Best of luck on your decision and feel free to PM me with any other questions.
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