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Old 03-21-2011, 02:23 AM
Day puke
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Originally Posted by NowCorporate View Post
If you dont like it dont apply?

At least the guy spells it out up front!...that says more than half the lower end corp jobs out there today.

Someone who wants to live in rural Montana might find it perfect, maybe not you or I...but who cares? least you could pay the rent and eat as opposed to the 20K people make at the regionals?

Exactly! For that "perfect person" this could be the perfect job. In my younger days, with less experience, I might have jumped on the gig. It isn't my dream job, but for a year or two, I could have done alright. For the guy who wants to live in Montana and not fly TOO much, this could be the gig.

To the man writing the job description" kudos for trying to be complete and accurate. There are a bunch of folks who are not as forthcoming.
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