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Old 04-21-2011, 04:47 PM
Carl Spackler
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Originally Posted by Bucking Bar View Post

Objectively, you are wrong. Since you used ACL as an example, he makes a good one. Lets consider how "ALPA" screwed him.
  • ACL's airline was acquired in 1999. ALPA, changed it's Constitution and Bylaws to avoid an "operational integration" trigger which would have made it policy to support a merger with his airline. His airline, which operated its own code under its own marketing, enjoyed feeder arrangements with other majors and flew 120 seat jets. It was also the most pfoitable airline in the history of man, based on a percentage of revenue. It had never furloughed a pilot and always purchased more airplanes than it ordered.
Here's what you and acl65pilot will not allow yourself to understand. Many, many of the pilots at regionals were not then and are not now qualified to join a major airline. It would have been hazardous to the safety records of major airlines to have unqualified pilots bypass their hiring processes and be inserted via merger. Period. I know you guys advocate this and have given it the name of "unity", but it's wrong to bypass the hiring process of any major airlines. Wrong on many levels.

The ability to gain access to the cockpit of a jet airliner with almost no experience is something that never should have happened. It put a lot of passengers in danger. But it did give many pilots the ability to gain jet experience which was a very good thing for people like you and acl. And as such, nobody got screwed! The fact that you guys could even think this shows such a generational difference with regard to your huge entitlement mentality.

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