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Old 04-28-2011, 05:06 PM
Line Holder
Joined APC: Sep 2010
Posts: 91

I hate being the bearer of bad news, but I think our CP has made phone calls to those they are interested in already. However, since it's a pretty big move, there's no telling for sure whether or not those they've "hired" will definitely make it our here or even stay. So, it's good you sent your resume, and send it again when you have 500.

In the beginning, I was brought out for pt 91 scenic tours. Although, those have slowed down lately, so they won't hire anyone under 500 specifically for those tours again.

chrisw, to answer your questions, quality of life is ok. It depends on how much you enjoy living on small islands. There isn't much to do on Tinian, which is where most of us are based. But the pay is good and completely liveable. I pay rent, bills, and student loans each month, and still have cash left over. You'll sign a 1 yr contract, 6 months of which is "training". If you leave before the 6 months are over, you'll owe the company money. Flying is good; mundane but good. Flying gets a little more difficult flying at night during wet season (typically june-september ish). During our 12 hr duty days, we'll normally do about 2-3hrs of flying.

Currently, we have 8 pilots on the line; 3 are taking check rides this weekend and supposedly we have 2-3 more coming next month. Like I said, keep working on obtaining 500. It couldn't hurt to keep sending a resume just in case it doesn't work out for someone.

Hope this helps
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