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2loud 12-19-2014 08:33 AM

Originally Posted by Moose (Post 1786657)
Seems odd to carry a functional title you had with another company. He's not a captain at Alaska. He's a VP.

Just like in the military, good sticks and good leaders get respect. Neither skills qualify as a prerequisite for a management position.

CassinAK 12-19-2014 05:27 PM

Alaska thread for Alaska pilots...
How does a pilot get there hands on the "Super Pilot Hat Emblem"??

gooddeal 12-20-2014 06:52 PM

Six Degrees of Eskimo Separation
Humbly put...I see 6 distinct characteristics within the pilot group (ranked smallest to largest):

- Union reps: always quick to defend what they do and justify how they do it. Truth is, in an labor group that's all about more for less, it's just one avenue to gain while usurping seniority. So if you can get yours there, go for it I guess...can't hate that system as long as you can claim your stake there too. Want it changed? Get yourself elected and make the changes...can't wait to see the system improve.

- Over age 60 pilots: soaking up the cream of the cream under the current system; barely affected by union reps, management or check pilots. Free to fly like its 1999 and usually worst offenders of the statement "I'm pretty much a 'by the book' guy". Classiest moments are boisterous complaints of flying 1.5x Premium Pay, overlaid on vacation pay but picked up on Saturday or hoo.

- Ages 50-55 pilots below top 50 seniority: could be the bitterest bracket in the group. Should've had theirs by now, not made whole post-Kasher, can't hold weekends off still. How many position reports left until LIH do I have left to endure some of the blackest hearts in the cockpit? LIH, KOA, OGG at $200+/hr on a day that touches a weekend sounds a lot better than any a.m. show for OAK-ABQ-TUL-STL-MDW...but I probably do not have the big picture. Oh, you still have a retirement? Cool beans man....oddly you're not worried about scope protection...noted.

- Hired post-Kasher thru age 65 enactment: battle hardened and accepted life as it is. I have to get less while doing more? least you people in front of me had time in the sun getting paid with trip touching and the likes. We fear and expect nothing...just hope someday it will improve.

- New hires circa 2013: rose colored glasses and for good reason too. Came in under newest contract, only seen growth and expansion, record profits, only with the threat of not receiving the 8th JD Power award. Wear a hat? "I'll wear two, sir!" They are the future of the company and still believing they won the lottery...hope they never lose that momentum.

- Everybody else: meatiest part of the group who show up, do their job and go home. Less about PA announcements or single-engine taxi and more about flying that safe jet. Keepers of the motto "Don't fix what isn't broken" and bored to tears being managed with the lens brought on by the worst 2% offenders. Accustomed to the frequent visits by the Good Idea Fairy from management into the FOM or FH and usually shrug off its impact. Once more unto the breach, dear friends...

Still a good place to work, regardless of your group. Anything I may complain about has about 1.5% total weight compared with idea of working elsewhere. The grass isn't greener, just sometimes talked about more. Just make the way we do our jobs easier and maybe management show up at gates around the system and tell crews good job, even for ordinary events. (Because right now if you show up at a gate, would likely think the worst, first).

I'm probably away...I'm logging in to buy a new free hat now.

FlyAK 12-20-2014 07:08 PM

Where do the 106 furloughed pilots fall in your categories? Or the approx. 100 downgraded captains?

AKpilot 12-20-2014 09:10 PM

Originally Posted by gooddeal (Post 1787574)
Humbly put...I see 6 distinct characteristics within the pilot group (ranked smallest to largest):

I'm probably away...I'm logging in to buy a new free hat now.

So where do you fit in?

I'll probably go past sixty for a year or two. Maybe to make up for many months (more than a year) reduced bid block of 37.5 hrs I flew during the furlough years. I Never did VSA then either. I'll leave when I can afford it and the hassle of the job outweighs the satisfaction and enjoyment quotient. The beauty of the over 60 thing will be... one has only to give 30 days notice to punch out. It's nice to have choices.

Some people forget, we all happily signed the application that said we would wear the uniform, work nights, weekends and holidays. I was broke and unemployed when I got hired. I'm Still happy to have a job. And one that I like. I still do plenty of all nighters, weekends and holidays. I've paid more than my share of dues. This place AND the airline industry in general has had it's cycles of good and bad times but that's the nature of the business. Seems like many of our people don't get that. I have Lot's of furloughs and bankruptcies under my belt in the 80's and early 90's. The industry and AS are having some of best times ever. And the trends are positive. If one is not happy with the job now then they will never be. The airlines haven't had profits and hiring like this since the mid 80's. And before that it was the 60's.

Life is not fair, the are no guarantees, and it's a marathon not a sprint.

I'm gonna get the free hat too. and maybe a few shirts.
(I really don't understand the anti hat drama)

Cheers bro,

Thrill 12-20-2014 11:21 PM

Wore my hat today. Only people who noticed or cared? A couple of our transition jackets.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

F15Cricket 12-21-2014 07:29 PM

Originally Posted by Thrill (Post 1787631)
Wore my hat today. Only people who noticed or cared? A couple of our transition jackets.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I am flying the freighter this week ... Should I wear the hat with my jeans and transition jacket? :)

jamesrhatcher 12-21-2014 08:41 PM

Originally Posted by F15Cricket (Post 1788051)
I am flying the freighter this week ... Should I wear the hat with my jeans and transition jacket? :)


Packrat 12-21-2014 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by F15Cricket (Post 1788051)
I am flying the freighter this week ... Should I wear the hat with my jeans and transition jacket? :)

Wear something that you can get hydraulic fluid on.

Duke Beamer 12-27-2014 02:15 PM

Hopefully at some point I have the opportunity to weigh in on the hat/conversion jacket/blazer conversation, but until then I have few questions from an Alaska hopeful.

1. Has anyone heard when the next application window will be? I've heard a few hundred new hires next year. Just curious when that'll start.

2. How long would it take to get to Seattle? I've spoken with a recent new hire (thanks Cricket) and gotten great answers, just curious if anyone else has helpful information as well?

3. How long should one expect to be on reserve? Is it a short call type situation or long call?

4. I know people's opinions will vary, but can anyone give an example of some the most junior trips?

Thanks for all the info!

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