Sec/Treas Report

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Quote: It looks like APA legal is desperately trying to remove the posts on CnR that have the link to Pam’s letter. Please read it and pass it on to those you fly with. I saved it. It hurts to read it.

Most of the board is supporting Dan. They must be in on this abuse of funds. We need ALPA. They are not perfect and waste their fair share of money but it has to be better than this nonsense.

How about a whole new Union. LALPA? Legacy Airline Pilots Association. Dal, UAL, AA, SWA, etc. you get the picture.
USAPA was formed to correct the seniority DISFUNCTION but got stabbed in the back by other pilots. How about no union? Pilots have always been greedy and dysfunctional. Nothing new here, just keep paying your dues and expect different results.
Thanks to Pam the only “contract” you’ll get this year is the contract the company gives you. Probably %2-3 pay increase and that’s it.

Be smart, take the money enjoy the ride.
Quote: Financial Audit Committee Response to Secretary-Treasurer
The Financial Audit Committee (“FAC”) conducted a thorough review of the April 26, 2019, memo of financial concerns submitted by the Secretary-Treasurer and prepared an item-by-item response for the Board of Directors (“Board”) which we have decided to share with the entire membership. The FAC found no misconduct or financial improprieties by any member of the APA team and specifically noted that many of the listed “concerns” were previously reviewed by the FAC and the Board and closed long ago.

Based upon this recent FAC review, prior FAC reports and audits, and, for many of us, our own knowledge of many of the issues raised by the Secretary-Treasurer, it is the opinion of the below members of the Board that the Secretary-Treasurer’s claims are baseless, irresponsible, and potentially libelous. The Secretary-Treasurer’s reckless behavior needs to stop now.

Earlier this year, several APA members began making allegations of financial improprieties at APA. At the time, multiple Board members and the FAC chairman made numerous requests of the Secretary-Treasurer to disclose any issues or concerns of which she was aware. Despite repeated requests over several months, the Secretary-Treasurer did not articulate any alleged concerns. During an April Board meeting, the Secretary-Treasurer was again asked if she had any concerns. She again refused to voice the concerns and, in order to fulfill its own obligations, the Board directed her to provide her concerns, if any, in writing no later than April 26 to the Board through the FAC. The Secretary-Treasurer provided a memo which has been released to the membership through unofficial channels prior to full review by the FAC and without the Board’s approval. The FAC has since reviewed the memo and provided a response to the Board. It now appears the Secretary-Treasurer’s failure to raise any concerns earlier was done in a calculated effort to perpetuate and encourage animus and discontent rather than to act in the best interests of the Association.

While the Secretary-Treasurer has chosen to deal in insinuation and innuendo, the FAC and the Board are compelled to rely on the facts. That is our collective role and our responsibility – one which we, the undersigned, take very seriously. For example, the Secretary-Treasurer’s memo refers to an expense for a “romantic evening.” This expense was for a catered meal provided to striking Avianca pilots in 2017. A hotel coding error wrongly placed “romantic evening” on the receipt. This was immediately addressed and explained to the Secretary-Treasurer and the hotel issued a new receipt. The Secretary-Treasurer did not express concern to the Board member involved and considered the matter closed.

We agree with the FAC’s determination that there is no evidence to support the allegations of financial misconduct, or of violations of any financial policy by the President or any other APA official. Our conclusion is supported by the prior findings of both our internal and external auditors and by the information contained in the Association’s annual LM-2 reports (detailed summary of all receipts and disbursements from the union in a given reporting year) which have been certified by the Secretary-Treasurer and filed with the federal government.

The Board recognizes that some APA expenditures were questioned by Board members and/or the Secretary-Treasurer at the time of the expense. For example, APA involvement in and support of community events and domestic and international labor activities were criticized by some members and encouraged by others for increasing APA’s visibility and participation in ongoing labor issues. While some may disagree with the actions, the expenses were made in accordance with policy and were not a result of misconduct or malfeasance.

We believe that the Secretary-Treasurer’s recent actions are irresponsible and serve no purpose other than to create a false narrative of scandal and distrust within the pilot group at a time when we should be solely focused on negotiating the contract that we deserve. We urge all members to read the report of the Financial Audit Committee, in its entirety, and to reach out to any one of us or any FAC member if you have any questions about anything contained in the report.

BOS Domicile Chairman CA Peter Gamble

BOS Domicile Vice Chairman CA Curtis Detzer

CLT Chairman CA Donald Iorio

DCA Vice Chairman FO Calvin Dilks

DFW Chairman FO Rob Baker

DFW Vice Chairman CA J.M. (Josey) Wales

LAX Chairman FO Hugh Fenwick

LGA Chairman CA Michael Burr

LGA Vice Chairman CA R Scott Heckenberger

MIA Chairman CA Billyray Read

MIA Vice Chairman CA Dave Rintel

ORD Chairman CA David Powell

PHL Vice Chairman CA Paul Music

PHX Chairman CA Mark Burdick

PHX Vice Chairman CA Earl Attlee
One WOMAN against 15 men, NOT including the other “male” leadership. Can you hear LAWSUIT coming?
Quote: Public for the membership is something I have no problem with.

Public, meaning everybody, is beyond stupid in this case. Do you really think anyone else really GAS who overextended a union credit card for a road trip? If they do, it's just to use it as ammo against the entire group.

Deterrence? Are you serious? You need the public to run to your side at what should be a union hall arse beating for corrective action? That ties in with your whole social media, let's put it all out their mantra.
Family abuse, rape, extortion, etc. should all be kept in the family and behind closed doors. If you’ve done nothing wrong, why the organizational secrecy? If unions are so great, where is the harm in letting other “potential” union members learn about the inner workings as well?

Union hall? When was the last time a pilot union had a “union hall”? To my recollection pilots have NEVER had a “union hall” to beat someone’s “arse”. Parking lot maybe, but the last incidence of that was over thirty years to my knowledge. Bring it back to the 21st century please.
Vote for Eric Ferguson, the leader and founder of union busting Corporation “Army of Leonidas”. “Corrupt Carey” vs. “Union Buster” Ferguson. Hmmmmm.....let me think?
Quote: We may be in Section 6, but the company sure isn’t.
There it is!
Quote: Yep...

And he didn’t even show enough class to apologize.

He whined like a baby that he didn't get what he was "entitled to" - lifetime A5 travel for he and his spouse, and that since AA took it away APA should give it to him.

APA should have never ever accepted or allowed that lifetime bit anyway - or any of it except between HQ and the person's "commuter city".
Wasn't the USAPA crowd the actual "Union Busters"??
Quote: Wasn't the USAPA crowd the actual "Union Busters"??
No. ALPA merger know, the organization that APA left in 1963 by doing the same thing we did years later, was about what the meaning of seniority should be. Almost ALL unions use length of service for the integration of seniority lists....EXCEPT FOR PILOTS.

The Nicolau award subsequently stripped the length of service seniority with an ALPA arbitrator much the same way two liberal senators from MO did by getting the McCaskill-Bond statute (which I think is unconstitutional) enacted by attachment legislation. The member arbitration we used for merger integration simply gave someone else power over something unions traditionally did for themselves.

There is no question Eric Ferguson used his corporation to bust USAPA.

The truth is in the paperwork. Flying the line Vol. I and II tell most of the truth before that point....if you haven't read them yet. Most pilots haven't. But Eric Ferguson used the courts to bust USAPA, and in so doing has provided a law firm and now court documentation/case law to use against all other RLA unions.

Its only a matter of time. Look at this:

Its coming, the other shoe is about to drop and in the near future you won't have to pay a nickel in union dues.
Quote: Apologize?

He whined like a baby that he didn't get what he was "entitled to" - lifetime A5 travel for he and his spouse, and that since AA took it away APA should give it to him.

APA should have never ever accepted or allowed that lifetime bit anyway - or any of it except between HQ and the person's "commuter city".
It shows you how messed up/powerful unions and their leaders have become...that benefit came at a cost to the membership in the form of a lesser contract.
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