Question about AA instructors

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Under current rules, if you are an active AA pilot, and you apply and are accepted for an instructor position (ground or otherwise), does your seniority and longevity continue to stay intact?
Could you define your question after this?

We have non-pilot ground instructors. We use Sim-P's which (whom) are non-AA pilots. The saying used to be you had to be 72 years old or older to be a Sim-P.

We only use Check Airmen for the checkrides in Sim's.
For recurrent:
1 warm up sim with a Non-AA pilot Sim-P.
Checkride with a AA check Airman.

Long training. 1 week sim with Sim-P and last 1 week with a real AA check Airman.

I think your real question is: If you become a check airman, does your seniority continue to accrue?


I hope I answered your question.
At my current airline, when you apply and accept a ground or sim instructor position, your seniority and longevity accrues. So if and when you go back to the line, your seniority is intact.

In other words, if I were hired/ merged or whatever way into American, I might want to go into the training dept since I live in Texas, and then, when I'm senior enough to hold DFW, go back to the line.
So, you don't use AA pilots for ground and sim instructors? That stinks.
As mentioned, we use them as check airman, both line and sim, and their seniority is high.
I dont know how you would get hired as a line pilot first... many pilots still on the street. And to be a Line CK Airman you are pretty high up on the list. AA does hire off the street for GRND and SimP positions. Weither it gets you in the door for a line pilot.... well, let me know the answer on that 1.
Quote: I dont know how you would get hired as a line pilot first... many pilots still on the street. And to be a Line CK Airman you are pretty high up on the list. AA does hire off the street for GRND and SimP positions. Weither it gets you in the door for a line pilot.... well, let me know the answer on that 1.
Well, didn't know it worked that way over there. At my airline, all the instructors are pilots with a seniority number. They are line pilots first, then apply to move into the training department. It is not necessarily senior, its whoever the training department interviews and selects for that position. There are sim instructors that would normally be FO's on the line with their seniority. But again, they are all pilots on the list. I've never heard of them hiring from the street for sim instructors.
Quote: I dont know how you would get hired as a line pilot first... many pilots still on the street. And to be a Line CK Airman you are pretty high up on the list. AA does hire off the street for GRND and SimP positions. Weither it gets you in the door for a line pilot.... well, let me know the answer on that 1.

No SIM-P or ground instructor could ever be hired by AA until all furloughees are recalled.
Quote: Under current rules, if you are an active AA pilot, and you apply and are accepted for an instructor position (ground or otherwise), does your seniority and longevity continue to stay intact?

Well, technically no. When you become a check airman at American they write down you're seniority number on a little piece of paper and hide it in one of their mad dogs. If you can find that piece of paper you regain your seniority.

As a bonus, you can gain 100 seniority numbers if you can walk around MIA for 5 hours without anyone asking you for directions.
Quote: No SIM-P or ground instructor could ever be hired by AA until all furloughees are recalled.
AA hired some ground instructors away from Eagle last year in the moths leading to the bankruptcy!
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