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cactusmike 11-06-2013 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by VenetianFryCook (Post 1514845)
Hey, at least I remove my epaulets and name/wings patch before I hit the town!

Yes! And as I walk around Anchorage I see a bunch of leather jacket wearing guys heading to Humpy's. 4 days worth of cold weather running gear doesn't leave you a lot of room to be sartorially artful.

kingairip 11-07-2013 04:49 AM

Originally Posted by ForeverFO (Post 1514618)
Or worse... jeans, black socks, and black work (dress) shoes. This has been a disturbing trend of late.

"Uh, Dude, forget your shoes?" "No, it's easier this way. Less weight in the bag."

Ohhh-Kay! :D

Dude. When you wear a size 13, you've got to do what you've got to do (or half your bag is filled with shoes.)

You know what they say...big feet.....big shoes.

CptRexKramer 12-30-2013 07:10 AM

Just reading through the APA agreement (basis for the upcoming JCBA), I came across the Lodging section. It looks like there's no language for long/short layovers. Furthermore, the section specifically states hotels need NOT be downtown.

I'm wondering how this actually plays out in terms of your hotels. Do you guys get many actual downtown layovers or are you mostly staying out by the interstate? Conversely, do you end up staying 35 minutes from the airport on 10.5 hour overnights?

To be clear, I'm neither b***ing nor bragging: Airways had long/short language but it was basically ineffective. I've seen 30 minute van rides to "short" hotels and the company considered any hotel near a moderately unsafe mall to be "downtown like".

N43898 12-30-2013 12:03 PM

Can't we just take the UAL/DAL contracts and say here you go as far as the JCBA goes.

Why would we get anything less. Including things like lodging and computer systems. Now I hear we are going to keep CATCREW for every one

Purple Drank 12-30-2013 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by N43898 (Post 1549607)
Can't we just take the UAL/DAL contracts and say here you go as far as the JCBA goes.

To keep pattern bargaining alive, hopefully you all would improve on those contracts. Matching does nothing to raise the bar.

N43898 12-30-2013 01:10 PM

Originally Posted by Purple Drank (Post 1549629)
To keep pattern bargaining alive, hopefully you all would improve on those contracts. Matching does nothing to raise the bar.

I'm sorry I think you were looking for the electricians forum. This is the airlinepilots forum, we negotiate the opposite.

R57 relay 12-30-2013 01:21 PM

Originally Posted by Purple Drank (Post 1549629)
To keep pattern bargaining alive, hopefully you all would improve on those contracts. Matching does nothing to raise the bar.

Absolutely. You've shared this thought a lot, so I have a question. Are you at DL and if so, when did you join them?

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