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dera 08-12-2018 09:50 AM

Originally Posted by galaxy flyer (Post 2653657)
Great pilots don’t bust 6 FAA checks. In 40 years of flying, I don’t know anyone with that kind of record, even in the military where busts are more common. Before you ask, I seen hundreds of resumes and Flight Evaluation Folders, done ASEV visits, chaired or convened two FEBs.


This guy got burnt by ATP pretty badly. He had a great attitude about them, owned them 100%, explained what he learnt and what caused them and has had a clean record ever since with a lot of training/testing events. Your opinion isn't relevant to this thread, this guy is an example that no, a busted checkride does NOT ruin a career, but it does slow it down.

TiredSoul 08-12-2018 10:20 AM

I’d say there are two types of fails, performances fails and comprehension fails.
Performance fail being like an ILS with an engine failure flown outside of criteria or similar.
Comprehension fails are because you’re not sure or you don’t know what you’re doing.
Sounds like you had a performance failure and I would explain it as such.
If it makes you feel any better I had a hard time getting hired 135 without any checkride fails.
For a smaller company you’re a big investment and in my case the general manager wasn’t convinced I could pass a type ride as all I had was piston time.
They want a sure bet and not a maybe problem.
You’ll need a couple of rides passed first time for this to stop being a problem.

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