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usmc-sgt 08-12-2013 07:15 AM

Reach out to username "unclenobby" on here or if he's not on here..then JC.

He's a close personal friend of mine and was in nearly the exact situation you described minus working in aviation prior. His path has been very well planned and executed and he's on target for 10 years to a major/legacy from zero hours.

thekid99 08-12-2013 09:47 PM

Grumble: Thanks for the solid advice on the finances/training. I totally agree and am unwilling to go into debt. My wife and I have had some serious conversations about the flying thing, and we agreed to stay in our small but affordable house, and that I will not quit my job until I get to the point of accepting a flying job. She's told me to either go do it, or quit talking about it. In a perfect world, I'd like to keep up my contacts in the financial world, and maybe have a little side business doing financial planning or contract trading. Could be some extra income when I'm just sitting around a crew lounge or hotel room. I don't know if that's really feasible, but it'd be some insurance.

USMC-sgt: Thank you for the contact suggestion. I will definitely drop your friend a line. This is a major decision for me, and I appreciate the chance to talk to someone who's been there. This forum is been a great resource; I wish I'd found it sooner. Thanks again.

SkyHigh 08-13-2013 07:58 AM

Take measure
Find a quiet moment to take measure of off that you currently have; wife, kids, friends, family, home, hearth and finances. In ten years you might make it to a legacy airline but most of what you have right now will not be there.

Aviation takes a massive sacrifice and in the end all you get is a mediocre job at best. Endure the pain of the opportunity cost of the life not lived and keep your family.


thekid99 08-25-2013 12:07 AM

I've been doing a lot of research, and my wife and I are in the midst of some serious conversations about what a career change to aviation would mean.

SkyHigh, you have a valid point about weighing opportunity cost. I've looked over lots of threads here and you seem to have a pretty pessimistic view, and I don't think you're entirely wrong. Can you think of any circumstance where someone should choose this career? If we were on a finance and banking forum, you and I would sound a lot alike. Something brought you to aviation, what was it?

A question: For someone getting into training now, what does a realistic career path to a major look like? FWIW, I can probably do the training without debt, I understand the CFI to regional pay-scale, have a wife who brings home the bacon (kinda), and who has forbidden me from quitting my association with the airlines because "travel makes life worth living".


thekid :)

HercDriver130 08-25-2013 04:12 AM

Originally Posted by SkyHigh (Post 1461801)
Find a quiet moment to take measure of off that you currently have; wife, kids, friends, family, home, hearth and finances. In ten years you might make it to a legacy airline but most of what you have right now will not be there.

Aviation takes a massive sacrifice and in the end all you get is a mediocre job at best. Endure the pain of the opportunity cost of the life not lived and keep your family.


Horse****. That said...sacrifice..yes... everything he has now.... gone?? BS

WARich 08-25-2013 05:58 AM

It sounds like you're doing a great job at doing your due diligence which is all you can do. There is nothing in life that is 100%, you could take the leap and maybe it doesn't work out, or you could take the leap and be the happiest you've ever been.

All I know is, I would rather take a chance, after looking at all the angles, then look back and wonder. Just don't take any chances financially while pursuing it. Just my .02....

chopperleo 08-25-2013 11:44 AM

the kid99,

I can appreciate your situation because mine is somewhat similar. I have always wanted to be an airline pilot and that is all we ever spoke about in college. I come from an aviation backgound so it is a little easier for me in that aspect. I am a CFII-MEI and I have 1600+ but my decisions can change a lot in my life right now. I am currently flying turbine helicopters for a sheriff's office in Fl and I really enjoy it. For many reason, I have decided to apply to the regionals and see who might be interested in me. In my current job, I fly 200 hrs a year, very local and in circles, stuck at 53,000'year with no salary progression and I will never make rank unless I go back to the streets and footchases. I am also 33 and spent 6 years out there chasing A**h***s on the street waiting for my shot at the Aviation Unit. I've been here for 4 years now and realize its NOT the type of flying I want to do for the rest of my career. I made my decision, but I will wait for the right opportunity before I quit my job and you should definitely do the same.

USMCFLYR 08-25-2013 01:06 PM

Originally Posted by chopperleo (Post 1469894)
the kid99,

I can appreciate your situation because mine is somewhat similar. I have always wanted to be an airline pilot and that is all we ever spoke about in college. I come from an aviation backgound so it is a little easier for me in that aspect. I am a CFII-MEI and I have 1600+ but my decisions can change a lot in my life right now. I am currently flying turbine helicopters for a sheriff's office in Fl and I really enjoy it. For many reason, I have decided to apply to the regionals and see who might be interested in me. In my current job, I fly 200 hrs a year, very local and in circles, stuck at 53,000'year with no salary progression and I will never make rank unless I go back to the streets and footchases. I am also 33 and spent 6 years out there chasing A**h***s on the street waiting for my shot at the Aviation Unit. I've been here for 4 years now and realize its NOT the type of flying I want to do for the rest of my career. I made my decision, but I will wait for the right opportunity before I quit my job and you should definitely do the same.

Any thoughts, or interest, is possibly giving the CBP a try
You have some speciality skills that they might very well in interested in. The guys I know flying it love it - and they feel a sense of mission accomplishment. There are a few on the forum here. Check out some threads with CBP either in the title, or body of the post, and see what you think. Looking can't hurt!

love2av8 08-25-2013 02:14 PM

I'm glad I made the leap. Haven't looked back. Enjoy the journey. When you start working on your ratings you will know if it's what you want to do. What's more is you will appreciate it much more than someone who has only known flying because you've been out in the corporate world working an 8-5 M-F job in a cubicle.
Airline life is crazy on the best of days but it is fun. Live in base is the best piece of advice I can give ya.
Good luck and start your ratings and then make a decision.

Whooosah 08-25-2013 09:25 PM

I would stick to the day job for now and focus on getting the private pilots license first. If you like it definitely continue on to instrument and so forth. Like people said its a journey and don't get too caught up on trying to make it to a major. It is a long journey to that seat and can sometimes be discouraging at times. Get your CFI and instruct if that is something you might enjoy. Don't do it to just build hours. Be the best CFI you can possibly be because helping and teaching others is what it is all about. Once you hit 1500 hours it gets a bit easier depending on retirements and the state of the industry you could get picked up at a regional and go from there.

I would advise to never pay for a full course in full or hand over large amounts of money to a flight school. I've seen many people lose their money or get screwed over.
Good luck!

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