Old timer ATP looking for F/O job.

Just joined this forum today cos I'm looking for a new job. Alas I don't have a US passport (I'm a Brit), but do have a current FAA ATP.
So if there are any recruiting types reading this, or chaps that know of an overseas job (Bunsen burner with or without fans only), this is a link to my terrible CV (Nearly every company I worked for went bust, ran out of contracts, sold the aircraft I was flying, or froze up cos the owner died):
What do you have in mind? Airline? Charter? Corporate?

U.S. regionals will scoop you up in a heartbeat. Doublecheck with each airline on passport requirements. Some say "current valid passport", not necessarily U.S.A. passport. Charter and corporate will require a little more networking.

For starters, at the very top of this page, click on Airline Profiles. There is a good amount of "quick take" info on many operators. This website primarily focuses on airline operators. Hop in the various subforums of this website and ask questions.

If you want to go the on-demand charter/135 and/or corporate route, I'd recommend the following websites to network:

*************.com - "Pilots helping Pilots" ($16.95 USD to join, but highly worth it. Tons of networking opportunities with the community. Daily job listings including international are posted by members which may also be recruiters/chief pilots)
http://www.bizjetjobs.com (Varying membership levels, many jobs posted on a daily basis including international)
http://www.climbto350.com (Membership as well. Many jobs posted on a daily basis, but a good handful of those that may have expired are recycled misleading the user. Buyer beware)
You'll note he says he does not have a US passport and is therefore prohibited from working in the US.
Permanent residents (green card), can't have a US passport until they get naturalized.
I'm a permanent resident, no US passport, and allowed to work in the US
Just needs green card or a work authorization.
OK, he says he does not have a passport and wondered if a recruiter was reading his post or if anyone knew of an overseas job. For many foreign airline jobs you don't really work for the airline, you are hired by a recruiting agency and the agency leases you to the airline. He's not looking for a job in the US.
Quote: OK, he says he does not have a passport and wondered if a recruiter was reading his post or if anyone knew of an overseas job. For many foreign airline jobs you don't really work for the airline, you are hired by a recruiting agency and the agency leases you to the airline. He's not looking for a job in the US.
Actually, he posted at another forum (one that I mentioned) looking for a job basically anywhere including the U.S. that accepts an FAA ATP ticket. So we all good...