Aero Crew Solutions Las Vegas

Would it do a person with an availability date of next August any good to go to the Las Vegas job fair in September? I will be deploying one more time and will have little time to job hunt after getting back. Thanks for the help!!
Quote: Would it do a person with an availability date of next August any good to go to the Las Vegas job fair in September? I will be deploying one more time and will have little time to job hunt after getting back. Thanks for the help!!
Spirit and Frontier don't pay enough. You should go to a Legacy that pay more for your service.
Unfortunately I need the ATP and some currency, so a regional is in my future.
Send me a PM. I can give you some gouge and guidance from my own experience.

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Quote: Would it do a person with an availability date of next August any good to go to the Las Vegas job fair in September? I will be deploying one more time and will have little time to job hunt after getting back. Thanks for the help!!
I wouldn't think that you NEED to go to a job fair to get hired at the regional of your choice. The good thing about the job fair is that you have the opportunity to shop the available opportunities and make a decision that best fits your situation. If I were you I'd give the LCCs and AMCIs a visit as well.
if a regional is your goal, don't waste your time and money on a job fair. Just do some research and then send in applications.
I'm also curious. Thinking of going to meet with Spirit. Is it a meet and greet sort of thing or interview-ish?
Rebeldog thanks for your service. I wouldn't waste time and money at an event that doesn't cater to a legacy job. If all you are looking for is more information on different regionals than this forum and a little bit of research online will serve you well. You will be called for interviews at every regional under the sun, with your experience, within hours of posting your app. I think you should have your eyes further down the road and start networking now for that legacy job. By going to a career fair that the legacies attend, you will be showing those airlines that you are doing the legwork to understand who they are as individual companies. Most legacies are 50% give or take military and they look out for their own. Finding a mentor at one of these fairs is a very real possibility. Especially when it comes time to train and make the transition. Regionals will also be at the bigger career fairs for you to ask questions and meet recruiters.

I think you would get more out of it and potentially shorten your career at a regional by going to a bigger, more well attended career fair earlier in your airline career. Career fairs can be expensive but make your reservation early, have resumes tailored to each airline, and realize that 90% of the networking is done at the hotel bar, after party, or at the invite only hospitality sweet. The legacy recruiter might even have some solid advice as to which regional would be the best fit. Good luck!
anyone going next month? looking for tix if anyone might skip this one.
also, this will be my first job fair if I do go. Any chance if the event is not sold out, does AeroCrew open up sales to bronze memberships last min?
Quote: anyone going next month? looking for tix if anyone might skip this one.
also, this will be my first job fair if I do go. Any chance if the event is not sold out, does AeroCrew open up sales to bronze memberships last min?
Bronze Member tickets go on sale tomorrow at noon EST.