UPS rumor

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Let me add to this rumor. At a 747-400 meeting a month or so ago. J.B. said he would like to see 30 747-400 on the property and that someone in some department was watch to see who was planning on giving them up to make way for the 747-800s. No time line was given on when or IF that would happen.
British Airways is the largest operator of 74-4s (RB211-534 though but some commonality with the RB211-535s on some of the the 757 fleet I think, but I don't know), and they just announced a deal to replace them with A380s and either 787s and A-350XWBs. We shall see, I'm still waiting for a call
Quote: British Airways is the largest operator of 74-4s (RB211-534 though but some commonality with the RB211-535s on some of the the 757 fleet I think, but I don't know), and they just announced a deal to replace them with A380s and either 787s and A-350XWBs. We shall see, I'm still waiting for a call

UPS won't buy a 400 unless it's GE powered.
Quote: UPS won't buy a 400 unless it's GE powered.
I don't know if I would agree with that. If you can buy enough to justify the logistics requirements then why not? How many engine types are in the MD-11 fleet? The 757 767 fleet has three engine types and yes the 767 has the same engine as the current and known ordered 747-400's.
Quote: I don't know if I would agree with that. If you can buy enough to justify the logistics requirements then why not? How many engine types are in the MD-11 fleet? The 757 767 fleet has three engine types and yes the 767 has the same engine as the current and known ordered 747-400's.

MD-11s are either GE or Pratt. Since there is a limited number of them for sale, UPS has no choice but to buy whatever they can get. Believe it or not, but UPS is starting to see the light on fleet type reduction and commonality issues. There are lots of GE powered 400s to be had and since the total number will probably be around 25-30, there will be no problem finding what they want (GE).
Quote: MD-11s are either GE or Pratt. Since there is a limited number of them for sale, UPS has no choice but to buy whatever they can get. Believe it or not, but UPS is starting to see the light on fleet type reduction and commonality issues. There are lots of GE powered 400s to be had and since the total number will probably be around 25-30, there will be no problem finding what they want (GE).
I don't think it's an issue, however time will tell. Fleet type reduction is something different than multiple engine types. I would think if you could get a good deal on the jets then there has to be a break even point where it becomes relevant regardless of what you or I would (pilots) want. I'm also not sure where you get the 25-30 number as the 400 was bought to replace the early whales and no replacement has been announced for the A380 (and I believe there was 15 firm / 15 options on it). If UPS has given up on the 380 and decides to focus solely on the -400 then I would think it they would need more than 15 (added to the 15 or so already ordered to replace El Classico Whale) to meet the same lift capability of the A380. Plus with the up sizing of the fleet and the Ocho won't be around forever.
Obviously all the above is opinion as I have no known or claimed inside intel.
Quote: ... Believe it or not, but UPS is starting to see the light on fleet type reduction and commonality issues...
Wouldn't it be nice if we became an all Boeing fleet? B747/757/767 and maybe even a 777?

I heard that B787 won't be big enough but heck, I say throw in a B797 or even a B807! - I'm thinking about our future here...
I had one of UPS's Maintenance Fed's on my jumpseat last week and he did say they were getting 4 747-400's in 2008 and an additional 9 in 2009 and 12 in 2010. He didn't say where they were coming from though!

Hope this helps.

Quote: I had one of UPS's Maintenance Fed's on my jumpseat last week and he did say they were getting 4 747-400's in 2008 and an additional 9 in 2009 and 12 in 2010. He didn't say where they were coming from though!

Hope this helps.

It sounds like he was talking about the 13 birds we already have on an extra 12 further down the road, interesting...
Quote: Wouldn't it be nice if we became an all Boeing fleet? B747/757/767 and maybe even a 777?

I heard that B787 won't be big enough but heck, I say throw in a B797 or even a B807! - I'm thinking about our future here...
Since you mentioned Boeing's and the future, you need to include the Boeing DC-8. I know, sticks in everyones craw
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