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FDX aviator 11-01-2007 01:08 PM

Second Practice Bid
The second practice bid is out.:D

Tuck 11-01-2007 02:26 PM

Looks like 33 open HKG FO vacancies and 14 open CDG FO vacancies.

Nitefrater 11-01-2007 02:44 PM

If the real bid looks like the practice bids, I wouldn't be surprised if manglement cancels the bid and falls back to "re-evaluate". I know... the real bid WON'T look like the practice, but it does look like there's a very real possibility of a LOT of FO seats going unfilled. 33 Bus FOs being involuntarily STVed each and every month will make for a lot of discontent down the road, and "them chikin's come back to roost."

Wonder when the MEC will chime in and tell us that we need to bid these FDAs that they worked so hard to sell?

FDXLAG 11-01-2007 02:51 PM

At least make them reconsider the Mad Dog bid in 08. Any one else notice the questions and answers have been removed. Hopefully more specifics will be available soon.

JohnnyViper 11-01-2007 03:06 PM

So, what's the deal? You guys all think that "O" is going into every RGS class and fibbing about putting new hires in those slots? I'm not saying it's not possible, but it seems like an awful lot of work to get a few guys to bid those spots.

MX727 11-01-2007 03:21 PM

Telling RGS classes that the slots will be filled with new hires should produce a collective sigh of relief as the audience realizes that doing so will greatly reduce the chance of being sent over on a STV.

FDXLAG 11-01-2007 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by JohnnyViper (Post 256430)
So, what's the deal? You guys all think that "O" is going into every RGS class and fibbing about putting new hires in those slots? I'm not saying it's not possible, but it seems like an awful lot of work to get a few guys to bid those spots.

To paraphrase George Costanza, it is not a fib if you believe it. What is policy today may not be policy tomorrow.

HazCan 11-01-2007 03:54 PM

727 Capt.
The left seat 727 is going pretty junior. I was hired 9/05 and would hold Captain with a secondary (not even the most junior)...if I was so inclined.

bluejuice 11-01-2007 03:59 PM

The 727 practice award is for F/O, not capt.

FDXLAG 11-01-2007 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by HazCan (Post 256443)
The left seat 727 is going pretty junior. I was hired 9/05 and would hold Captain with a secondary (not even the most junior)...if I was so inclined.

No secondary 72 left seats.

zulu 11-01-2007 04:03 PM

Originally Posted by HazCan (Post 256443)
The left seat 727 is going pretty junior. I was hired 9/05 and would hold Captain with a secondary (not even the most junior)...if I was so inclined.

Are your sure about that? I didn't see any 727 captain slots awarded on the second practice bid. Am I missing something?


SNIZ 11-01-2007 04:13 PM

I was just about to post the same reply as Zulu...not seeing any 727 Capt awards.

HazCan 11-01-2007 06:54 PM

I was just checking to see if you guys were paying attention...that's the ticket.

Obviously, I can't read VIPS and am not ready for the 4th stripe!:confused:

LaidOffAgain 11-01-2007 07:14 PM

Originally Posted by HazCan (Post 256558)
I was just checking to see if you guys were paying attention...that's the ticket.

Obviously, I can't read VIPS and am not ready for the 4th stripe!:confused:

Boy wouldn't that be a shock to find out if that was a final award! "Hey I made captain on the 727, Oops that was FO".

Overnitefr8 11-01-2007 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by LaidOffAgain (Post 256563)
Boy wouldn't that be a shock to find out if that was a final award! "Hey I made captain on the 727, Oops that was FO".

Especially if you were a wide body F/O. :eek:

HazCan 11-01-2007 09:15 PM

Originally Posted by Overnitefr8 (Post 256569)
Especially if you were a wide body F/O. :eek:

And especially, especially if you were a basic dumba$$ like myself!!:D

Ranger 11-01-2007 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by HazCan (Post 256605)
And especially, especially if you were a basic dumba$$ like myself!!:D

Now, now. Don't be too hard on yourself. Let the rest of us do that for you.

HazCan 11-01-2007 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by Ranger (Post 256606)
Now, now. Don't be too hard on yourself. Let the rest of us do that for you.

Albie said we can't do that anymore. ;) Little did he know it was just in time to save me!:D

Cujo 11-01-2007 09:34 PM

Originally Posted by Ranger (Post 256606)
Now, now. Don't be too hard on yourself. Let the rest of us do that for you.


BrownGirls YUM 11-01-2007 09:43 PM

Originally Posted by Nitefrater (Post 256422)
Wonder when the MEC will chime in and tell us that we need to bid these FDAs that they worked so hard to sell?

There's still time to change your bid!

PurpleTail 11-01-2007 11:25 PM

Just goes to show you that the MEC did NOT really do their homework on these FDA's and fell for the typical "we'll open the FDA's under the current CBA" line from management! I can see the egg all over their face now.

Its also funny how, NOW THAT THE VOTE IS OVER, my emails from the comapny AND the union have suddenly stopped...hmmmm, thats strange. NOT! The LOA is a joke and whoever voted in favor of it (still can't find anyone that did) should be ashamed of themselves.

Looks like we'll be hiring sooner than we thought!

Dakota 11-02-2007 03:53 AM

Originally Posted by PurpleTail (Post 256631)
The LOA is a joke and whoever voted in favor of it (still can't find anyone that did) should be ashamed of themselves.

You're kidding, right? I'm beginning to feel alone in the wilderness here -- I can't seem to find anyone who didn't vote for it! It's a great deal!:rolleyes:

Albief15 11-02-2007 08:35 AM

Well...for those of you in block 2, Mike Williams is proudly sharing his exploits on being part of the NC so long. Now he wants to be a block rep. Do you want to reward him for that LOA or give someone else a shot?

Busboy 11-02-2007 08:45 AM

I'm just happy to be here.

Where ya' headed?

PurpleTail 11-02-2007 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by PurpleTail (Post 256631)
Just goes to show you that the MEC did NOT really do their homework on these FDA's and fell for the typical "we'll open the FDA's under the current CBA" line from management! I can see the egg all over their face now.

Its also funny how, NOW THAT THE VOTE IS OVER, my emails from the comapny AND the union have suddenly stopped...hmmmm, thats strange. NOT! The LOA is a joke and whoever voted in favor of it (still can't find anyone that did) should be ashamed of themselves.

Looks like we'll be hiring sooner than we thought!

HaHaHaHa, my point exactly!

FDA Deposit Assistance
FCIF 07-0610 (Admin)

As we learned from the establishment of our FDA in Subic Bay and as we
will all surely learn from our establishment of FDAs in Paris and Hong
Kong, there are certain unexpected idiosyncrasies that could not be
anticipated by either the Company or ALPA that nevertheless need to be
addressed in preparing to open an FDA abroad. In the case of both the
Hong Kong and Paris FDAs, it has become clear that, in order for pilots to
secure apartments in either of these cities, a substantial security
deposit may be required.

NFS! Like that wasn't clear from the beginning. Looks like all those unfilled FO slots are getting the companies attention! Its still not enough but it will make it easier for the captains!

DLax85 11-03-2007 06:04 AM

Stop it.

We have no leverage...this is their first, last and final offer.

The company will never sweeten the deal.

Move on!


CloudSailor 11-03-2007 07:24 AM

Third practice, and final bids?
I know it was posted earlier, but when do the third practice, and then the final bids come out?

FDXLAG 11-03-2007 07:50 AM

13th and 19th

Deuce130 11-03-2007 11:39 AM

On the crew bus this morning and a MD-11 FO asked his CA if he was going to bid HK. The CA said no, of course, then added they didn't fill all of the slots. The FO then said "Well, I guess they'll have to junior man it." I said the company couldn't do that, and he seemed surprised. The CA then said the company would just have to SVT people. Then the FO said .... drum roll.... "What's that?" I almost died. The idiot probably was one of the 68% too. I kept my trap shut, but it was hard.

AerisArmis 11-03-2007 11:42 AM

Originally Posted by Albief15 (Post 256739)
Well...for those of you in block 2, Mike Williams is proudly sharing his exploits on being part of the NC so long. Now he wants to be a block rep. Do you want to reward him for that LOA or give someone else a shot?

Albie....not sure about the protocol of you, standing for election in one block, commenting about a candidate in another block election. Losing some big style points here and if you and he both win, I'm thinking he might not be shot in the a$$ with working with you on some important union business. What have you gained with this posting? No gain, just pain, nice work.

Albief15 11-03-2007 12:06 PM

Look...the LEC works for everyone in blocks 2, 5, and 7. You get to vote for the block rep in each block. That's the system.

I just find it ironic that a guy would spend 3/4 of his intro letter boasting about his long association with the NC and Mike Arcamuzi, the current block 2 rep. Both gentlemen have a long record of doing a lot of great work for the union. IMHO...they also have a recent history of lip service to national on the age 60 issue and a horrible job on this LOA.

Want someone who plays nice with others? Cory was a P2P guy for a while. He's probably your man. Want somebody who who will point out this guy is boasting about being on a team that ushered an embarrassing substandard deal? Then pick me. Your choice. I just spent the last 4 hours teaching my youngest daughter to ride a horse around the ring. Not getting elected won't be the end of me--I'll be quite happy spending my free time pursuing my own hobbies and interests. But I'm not going to sit here and listen to guys complain about how the union failed us on these issues, then suggest we vote in someone because of their "union experience".

And by the way--I'm sure Mike Williams and the Anton gentlemen are fine pilots and great guys. The performance of the NC on the LOA, however, is an embarrassment. I'm not sure I want the guys who defended that POS calling the shots. We got 8 volunteers out of 4700 with their great deal...and a company now acting ulilaterally around the union to sweeten the pot. Is THAT what you want down the road?

JethroF15 11-03-2007 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Albief15 (Post 257252)
Look...the LEC works for everyone in blocks 2, 5, and 7. You get to vote for the block rep in each block. That's the system.

I just find it ironic that a guy would spend 3/4 of his intro letter boasting about his long association with the NC and Mike Camus, the current block 2 rep. Both gentlemen have a long record of doing a lot of great work for the union. IMHO...they also have a recent history of lip service to national on the age 60 issue and a horrible job on this LAO.

Want someone who plays nice with others? Cory was a PP guy for a while. He's probably your man. Want somebody who who will point out this guy is boasting about being on a team that ushered an embarrassing substandard deal? Then pick me. Your choice. I just spent the last 4 hours teaching my youngest daughter to ride a horse around the ring. Not getting elected won't be the end of me--I'll be quite happy spending my free time pursuing my own hobbies and interests. But I'm not going to sit here and listen to guys complain about how the union failed us on these issues, then suggest we vote in someone because of their "union experience".

And by the way--I'm sure Mike Williams and the Anton gentlemen are fine pilots and great guys. The performance of the NC on the LAO, however, is an embarrassment. I'm not sure I want the guys who defended that PPS calling the shots. We got 8 volunteers out of 4700 with their great deal...and a company now acting ulilaterally around the union to sweeten the pot. Is THAT what you want down the road?

Excellent post Albie! I'd vote for you twice if I could!

Albief15 11-03-2007 12:45 PM

And along those lines...I voted for Vic. He's an outsider but has a big heart and some good ideas. I haven't "endorsed" him for fear some folks who don't like me will punish him in the frag pattern. However, I think he is the right guy for Block 2. However, if you vote Vic and Cory in or Me and Mike, or any combination (Tony is the constant as he is unopposed) I will work my darndest for everyone. However--love me or hate me--the job of a block rep is to represent the interests of his block, not the interests of the other MEC reps. Just because Vic has my vote doesn't mean we won't have some urinary jousts on some issues, but I am confident whoever wins the race will keep the big picture on the major issues ahead.

FDXLAG 11-03-2007 01:22 PM

Thanks Albie your post was useful in helping me decide how to vote. Allowing people to vote outside their block has got to be one of the sleaziest ways to dilute true seniority representation. Now I understand the 11-1 vote.

Bohica 11-03-2007 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by AerisArmis (Post 257244)
Albie....not sure about the protocol of you, standing for election in one block, commenting about a candidate in another block election. Losing some big style points here and if you and he both win, I'm thinking he might not be shot in the a$$ with working with you on some important union business. What have you gained with this posting? No gain, just pain, nice work.

Another lecture from a Captain who has listened to himself talk for so long and have people pretend to pay attention to him that he really thinks he does know it all.

Excellent response Albie. Go get em.

fdxflyer 11-03-2007 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by AerisArmis (Post 257244)
Albie....not sure about the protocol of you, standing for election in one block, commenting about a candidate in another block election. Losing some big style points here and if you and he both win, I'm thinking he might not be shot in the a$$ with working with you on some important union business. What have you gained with this posting? No gain, just pain, nice work.

Couldn't disagree more with your point AA. If that guy is bragging on his record and the LOA is part of his record, then others should call him on it. Nobody elects these guys to sweet talk each other. A little critique here and there from others in the know keeps everyone honest. Get 'em Albie, and when you get there -- keep it up!!!

iarapilot 11-03-2007 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by AerisArmis (Post 257244)
Albie....not sure about the protocol of you, standing for election in one block, commenting about a candidate in another block election. Losing some big style points here and if you and he both win, I'm thinking he might not be shot in the a$$ with working with you on some important union business. What have you gained with this posting? No gain, just pain, nice work.

If the guy would not be a good candidate, I am glad Albie pointed it out! Now people can ask around a do a little research to find out about him. Thanks Albie.

DLax85 11-04-2007 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by Albief15 (Post 257252)
Look...the LEC works for everyone in blocks 2, 5, and 7. You get to vote for the block rep in each block. That's the system.

I just find it ironic that a guy would spend 3/4 of his intro letter boasting about his long association with the NC and Mike Arcamuzi, the current block 2 rep. Both gentlemen have a long record of doing a lot of great work for the union. IMHO...they also have a recent history of lip service to national on the age 60 issue and a horrible job on this LOA.

Want someone who plays nice with others? Cory was a P2P guy for a while. He's probably your man. Want somebody who who will point out this guy is boasting about being on a team that ushered an embarrassing substandard deal? Then pick me. Your choice. I just spent the last 4 hours teaching my youngest daughter to ride a horse around the ring. Not getting elected won't be the end of me--I'll be quite happy spending my free time pursuing my own hobbies and interests. But I'm not going to sit here and listen to guys complain about how the union failed us on these issues, then suggest we vote in someone because of their "union experience".

And by the way--I'm sure Mike Williams and the Anton gentlemen are fine pilots and great guys. The performance of the NC on the LOA, however, is an embarrassment. I'm not sure I want the guys who defended that POS calling the shots. We got 8 volunteers out of 4700 with their great deal...and a company now acting ulilaterally around the union to sweeten the pot. Is THAT what you want down the road?

Rock on Albie!:cool:

AerisArmis 11-04-2007 04:13 PM

I just find it ironic that a guy would spend 3/4 of his intro letter boasting about his long association with the NC and Mike Arcamuzi, the current block 2 rep. Both gentlemen have a long record of doing a lot of great work for the union. IMHO...they also have a recent history of lip service to national on the age 60 issue and a horrible job on this LOA.]

I don't disagree with any of this. I'm not in any of the these blocks and am not voting. I agree with most of your comments, and even though I don't know your opposition, I'd vote for you if I was eligible. I just don't think it's good form to bash another candidate (who is not running against you). Let his competitor do that, or someone else. There's a reason Tony has all but disappeared from this board. As for your rah, rah , go get 'em sycophants, all I can say is WOW, I'm hurt!

Albief15 11-04-2007 05:29 PM

Again...I think our LEC design has some outstanding qualities. Having a system with a cross section of members SHOULD make for a well rounded organziation with a wide cross section of inputs. That design can work to everyone's benefit. With a strong cabral of block reps at either end of the spectrum, however, it can, as LAG pointed out, dilute the effect of a particular seniority block. (joke disclaimer here...) I'd like to help dilute the senior block, thank you very much...

But in all seriousness, the fact is if you are in block 7, Tony Cutler in block 5 and Vic, Mike, or (first name?) Anton will ALL have a direct effect on you. You notice I have never have been too critical of the current block 7 rep...if you go to the web you'll see why...I've gotten zero letters/emails from him. While I'm sure he's available if you call for info he doesn't PUSH info out individually for block 7. Instead, the LEC 22 letters are signed by all 3 guys... So--from my perspective, Arco and Tony have 2/3 of the pull on issues affecting my block, good or bad. Hence--I'm pestered poor Tony probably a LOT more than he deserves on some issues--especially the LOA vote earlier this year. (Also--let's remember he had a whopping one day in office before it got presented to the membership...)

So--in my mind--Arco's positions and record, Tony's positions and record, and the previous positions of anyone seeking blocks 2, 5, or 7 are all fair game. It ain't a personal attack--look--these guys AT LEAST stepped up and have tried to do what they thought was best. I just happen to vehemently disagree on a few points on HOW to get the best deal for everyone down the road. I also will point out I honestly do think ALL of those guys DO want a solid package for our expat pilots. How we get them that, however, is where the urinary jousting takes place.

Now--another point. Worst case for me is I am the ONLY new blood on the MEC and eveyone else is an incumbent or party line successor. So what? In a fighter debrief, if mistakes are made--they are (generally) addressed honestly and with the emphasis on lessons learned for future battles. Saying the MEC "missed its sort" or "hit the wrong DMPI" is needed to fix things before Contract 2010. A bad mission doesn't mean we rip a guys wings off--it means we go back and fix things. Sometimes, however, a new IP or flightlead in the mix can improve everyone's performance. That is what I am after. I don't want to burn down the house. I don't want to embarrass anyone or make this a vendetta. This is about fixing a few things and getting back on track.

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