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990Convair 04-07-2009 01:11 PM

Welcome To Air Cargo World -- Breaking News

I'd LOVE to have the teamsters on board! Sheds some light onto what FDX MGT thinks of us huh?

FDXLAG 04-07-2009 01:16 PM

An oldie, but I still can't get over teamsters calling someone else La Cucaracha, now that is irony. Next Linda Sanchez will want to prevent voter fraud.

orca 04-07-2009 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by SuperMario (Post 592190)
Agree with all but the fuel sense. Wantonly wasting natural resources and the company's operating capital doesn't really help either side. A smaller bottom line gives the company more fire power with an arbitrator to justify some of their actions, IMO. Totally agree with everything else, though.

There are two points that need to be made regarding your reply to my original post. First, while I respect your point of view, I hope that you will eventually see that the Company has been wantonly (and deliberately) stealing wages from each and every one of us by wrongly implementing a clause in our Contract that was never intended to be used as an open-ended cost-cutting gambit. Put simply, they have done this to cut our wages. The "velvet gloved" approach, whereby we help the Company conserve operating capital has not and will not work. What they need is a two-by-four across the forehead. Clearly, the only thing that motivates our management is money. So we need to show them that we have an enormous amount of discretionary power to help, or to hurt them financially. It MUST include EVERY avenue available to us. If every one of us fails to help the Company by refusing them ANYTHING that is not REQUIRED by our Contract for even one full month, Fedex would be begging us to meet with them and would be forced to negotiate in good faith for the very first time in its existence. They know this. Secondly, I'll ask you to consider your last statement, "Totally agree with everything else, though." This is really the essence of our problem as a crew force. If you disagree with this, and I disagree with that, and she disagrees with those, and he disagrees with these... The obvious point is that we undermine our own efforts far more effectively than the Company ever could. No attempt to impress this Company through our actions will ever succeed unless or until we, each of us, puts aside for a month or two our own "causes" and instead takes up the unified Cause that will force the Company to finally respect us.

ANCFRTDG 04-07-2009 02:01 PM

The recent update by JG and the NC one of the most candid and powerful communications I have ever had the pleasure to read! It delivers true insight to the complex and deceitful tactics used to not only undermine all of us, but to also accomplish the corporate goals as well! It truly is time for all of us to forget about the transgressions of the past and unite not as Silver, Purple or Civilian, Military but as FedEx Pilots! Our future and quality of life depend on our resolve not to be treated like casual farm labor.

"We must all hang together or surely we will hang seperately" Benjamin Franklin

Do your job as a professional aviator per the contract, fly safe!!

fr8av8r 04-07-2009 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by SuperMario (Post 592190)
Agree with all but the fuel sense. Wantonly wasting natural resources and the company's operating capital doesn't really help either side. A smaller bottom line gives the company more fire power with an arbitrator to justify some of their actions, IMO. Totally agree with everything else, though.

I'm with Orca on this one. Two words...

Tuna gas

FR8Hauler 04-07-2009 03:04 PM

Originally Posted by fr8av8r (Post 592367)
I'm with Orca on this one. Two words...

Tuna gas

No air conditioning unit APU comes on. Don't be sweating your arse off it is fatiguing.

cma2407 04-07-2009 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by fr8av8r (Post 592367)
I'm with Orca on this one. Two words...

Tuna gas

Yeah, I remember that one. It was a funny, but legendary, story from a few years back...

MD11Fr8Dog 04-07-2009 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by cma2407 (Post 592394)
Yeah, I remember that one. It was a funny, but legendary, story from a few years back...

The Wayback Machine remembers stuff too:

Welcome to :cool:

BonesF15 04-07-2009 03:38 PM

Maybe we could start with No Disputed Pairings!

Originally Posted by orca (Post 592147)
Red lanyards and being upset with our MEC
Chairman for bidding the 777 will not help the Negotiating Committee.

No draft. No volunteer. No carryover by protecting minimum days off. No make-up over our already thin BLG to "pad" for our high five. No fuel sense. No flying sick to help a Company that clearly won't help us. No selling back vacation.

These are the things that will tell the Company we are behind the Negotiating Committee. They do not care, or even listen to what we have said, or are saying. We must show them that their actions are unacceptable by our own actions. And we need to start today. Not next bid pack. Not after this trip.

Today. Or they will continue to tell us what we get.

skypine27 04-07-2009 03:45 PM

Originally Posted by ANCFRTDG (Post 592346)
The recent update by JG and the NC one of the most candid and powerful communications I have ever had the pleasure to read!

Here, here. If only we'd had him instead of the DW/BC machine. Nice to see a NC that actually has a pair.

Underdog 04-07-2009 03:52 PM

I sense a true crescendo in the rank and file. With all the uncertainties and difficulties the crew force must now endure since the onset of 4.A.2.b., excess bids, 777 issues, "virtual training letters" and a potential furlough on the horizon, it is easy to understand everyone's angst toward the unknown and anger toward the company. However, I'm confused at those leading the charge.

JG claims the HKG folks deserve more in monthly stipends. To the tune of $5750! Wasn't JG a part of the BC team that thought $2700 was good enough? And then the entire MEC(minus EI) not only voted for, but PUSHED for everyone to vote for the LOA? Unfortunately, the great mantra "my negotiating committee speaks for me," ran its course.

Again, it's good to see the ground swell of support. Although I agree with the words being communicated to us, I am still leary of those doing the talking. I think my lanyard might say "let me read it first." Now that would be a novel approach.'ll go senior

HornetFDX 04-07-2009 08:25 PM

Originally Posted by orca (Post 592147)
Red lanyards and being upset with our MEC Chairman for bidding the 777 will not help the Negotiating Committee.

No draft. No volunteer. No carryover by protecting minimum days off. No make-up over our already thin BLG to "pad" for our high five. No fuel sense. No flying sick to help a Company that clearly won't help us. No selling back vacation.

These are the things that will tell the Company we are behind the Negotiating Committee. They do not care, or even listen to what we have said, or are saying. We must show them that their actions are unacceptable by our own actions. And we need to start today. Not next bid pack. Not after this trip.

Today. Or they will continue to tell us what we get.

How about starting by each and every one of us emailing the one-ways who picked up EVERY disputed pairing this month, starting with this guy who picked up 2!! #790/13APR

frozenboxhauler 04-07-2009 08:36 PM

Originally Posted by cma2407 (Post 592394)
Yeah, I remember that one. It was a funny, but legendary, story from a few years back...

ahhh, tuna fuel!, the good old days;)

Timeoff2fish 04-07-2009 08:41 PM

May you live in interesting times...

Seems like my entire professional aviation career has been an interesting time.

However, after enduring a strike, a bankruptcy, several concessionary commuter contracts, and quite a bit of time cleaning the brake dust out of the left wheels of a corporate aircraft so the boss could walk up to a shiny jet on every departure, I was fortunate enough through a quite a lot of luck and some hard work to arrive here at FDX.

I'm at the bottom. A mouse fart will blow me out of here.

I cruise this forum probably more than I should, and one of the things that I've noticed is that up until now, the UPS guys have been more willing to fall on their sword and challenge management's assertion that their contract is in play.

I'm glad that the NC has finally drawn a line in the sand. Unfortunately, I may be subject to management's subsequent shot across the bow (or possibly at the mainmast), and I definitely have my liabilities, but I'm in this game for the long haul. I may be the fry manager for a bit, but I'm planning on a career here. Variable BLG's for the next thirty years don't work for me. This is not Sun Country; we're not going to furlough in the spring and recall and draft during peak, at least if I have any say in the matter.

Open up the contract now and you will not want what you are left with.

iarapilot 04-07-2009 09:39 PM

Originally Posted by Underdog (Post 592424)
I sense a true crescendo in the rank and file. With all the uncertainties and difficulties the crew force must now endure since the onset of 4.A.2.b., excess bids, 777 issues, "virtual training letters" and a potential furlough on the horizon, it is easy to understand everyone's angst toward the unknown and anger toward the company. However, I'm confused at those leading the charge.

JG claims the HKG folks deserve more in monthly stipends. To the tune of $5750! Wasn't JG a part of the BC team that thought $2700 was good enough? And then the entire MEC(minus EI) not only voted for, but PUSHED for everyone to vote for the LOA? Unfortunately, the great mantra "my negotiating committee speaks for me," ran its course.

Again, it's good to see the ground swell of support. Although I agree with the words being communicated to us, I am still leary of those doing the talking. I think my lanyard might say "let me read it first." Now that would be a novel approach.'ll go senior

Man, you are such a Proponent.....! ;)

skypine27 04-07-2009 10:07 PM

Just flew with my first MEM captain.

She asked, "What is the whole 32% thing about?", referring to my "32% Proponent of Hysteria" bag tags on my suitcase and back-pack.

I explained to her the results of the first FDA LOA. I'm not fully convinced she even knew there was one, so I didn't even get to go into what BC said about us (the proponent of hysteria part).

Calgon take me away....

FLMD11CAPT 04-07-2009 11:13 PM

I too thought JG's update was well thought out, well written and down right inspiring. I see the beginning of a ground swell of unity as well.....all for the good. Just don't forget that this is just the beginning. Look at Mgmt's timing. as we approach openers for 2010, they have perfectly positioned themselves to start rolling timed fear grenades, squeeze us financially and begin the emotional roller coaster....all designed to distract, intimidate and break collective will. I applaud all the positive and supportive sentiments expressed on this thread. We just need to galvanize it into strong, lasting and unshakeable momentum. Several good starting points have been mentioned above. Policing ourselves WRT DP's seems the logical start IMHO. Lets go!

pipe 04-08-2009 04:16 AM

Originally Posted by FLMD11CAPT (Post 592634)
I too thought JG's update was well thought out, well written and down right inspiring. I see the beginning of a ground swell of unity as well.....all for the good. Just don't forget that this is just the beginning. Look at Mgmt's timing. as we approach openers for 2010, they have perfectly positioned themselves to start rolling timed fear grenades, squeeze us financially and begin the emotional roller coaster....all designed to distract, intimidate and break collective will. I applaud all the positive and supportive sentiments expressed on this thread. We just need to galvanize it into strong, lasting and unshakeable momentum. Several good starting points have been mentioned above. Policing ourselves WRT DP's seems the logical start IMHO. Lets go!

I think you're giving them an awful lot of credit. I think they're chasing their tails and individuals are trying to cover their own screwups at our expense. FDA - screwed up. Nugget program - screwed up. Planning for age 60 change - screwed up. They're trying to cover their posteriors.

I don't doubt the occasional sinister intent, just not on the broad, long-term, well thought out scale that you intimate. I just don't think they're that good.


FLMD11CAPT 04-08-2009 04:31 AM

Originally Posted by pipe (Post 592668)
I think you're giving them an awful lot of credit. I think they're chasing their tails and individuals are trying to cover their own screwups at our expense. FDA - screwed up. Nugget program - screwed up. Planning for age 60 change - screwed up. They're trying to cover their posteriors.

I don't doubt the occasional sinister intent, just not on the broad, long-term, well thought out scale that you intimate. I just don't think they're that good.


Pipe, I agree with you WRT our current Flt Ops Mgmt. However that is not who I was referring to. I was talking about the labor relations attorneys, the Union busting hired guns and the Bean Counters. I don't think PC and Co. knows whether to Sh#t or go blind. The LR lawyers and accountants are a very different story.


Cosnuts 04-08-2009 04:45 AM

Unfortunately, Pipe you are probably correct. But let's hope for the best, and get on board. At least for now. And let our Reps know whom we like for the three new MEC Officers . . . . it's at least as important as the NC Chairman. Funny how a little (proper) communication will rally the troops.


MD11Fr8Dog 04-08-2009 05:12 AM

Originally Posted by pipe (Post 592668)
I think you're giving them an awful lot of credit. I think they're chasing their tails and individuals are trying to cover their own screwups at our expense. FDA - screwed up. Nugget program - screwed up. Planning for age 60 change - screwed up. They're trying to cover their posteriors.

I don't doubt the occasional sinister intent, just not on the broad, long-term, well thought out scale that you intimate. I just don't think they're that good.


Somewhere, not exactly sure where :rolleyes:, I have heard this statement, or similar, before: "Never let a good crisis go to waste." :(

FDXLAG 04-08-2009 05:39 AM

It takes two to tango

Originally Posted by pipe (Post 592668)
I think you're giving them an awful lot of credit. I think they're chasing their tails and individuals are trying to cover their own screwups at our expense. FDA - screwed up. Nugget program - screwed up. Planning for age 60 change - screwed up. They're trying to cover their posteriors.

I don't doubt the occasional sinister intent, just not on the broad, long-term, well thought out scale that you intimate. I just don't think they're that good.


Hard to tell if you are talking about the Ops or the MEC. I need more information.

nakazawa 04-08-2009 06:13 AM

Pipe -
If you look at each individual item through a straw, there might be some validity in your observation. However, consider this:

The FDA LOA is what it is. We don't need to augment it, the Company does. In retrospect, it might have been more worth our while to not do an FDA LOA, establishing the FDAs and the moves using the procedures established in the CBA (chapter 6). The Company absolutely needed the scope wording for CDG so our crews wouldn't be subject to the EU and French labor laws/restrictions, and monthly strikes. I believe the wording is something like - MEM domiciled crew members residing in Paris subject to the RLA. In HKG, the Company needed the G/T waiver to allow the movement of crews between HKG-CAN. The company is asking for a 'carte-blanche' waiver to the CBA with ground transportation for EVERYBODY between HKG and CAN. This will migrate to everyplace where there's a long G/T, and an arbitrator will allow it if we agree to it now. If we agree to public transportation between HKG and CAN (train), the next thing you know we'll be on BART from OAK to SFO. Don't go there! Additionally, I don't believe the SIBA/STV crews are subject to the LOA, so they can't do the 3 hour G/T. Remember, the STD crews are the ones that get the 'family' ticket and will stay in a HKG hotel.

The Purple Nugget program was a product of the Company's greed in the CBA. The Company could not man Anchorage! In fact, 4 or 5 years ago 7 Captain vacancies were cancelled when insufficient F/Os bid to ANC (they were short 17 as I recall). ANC has the most efficient pairings in the system - based on hard time or near hard time legs. Growing ANC is cost effective and the fiscally correct thing to do. So, without enough MEM crews bidding to ANC, the option was to hire off the street. Until the PN bid, there also wasn't a move package for ANC. Crews that bid to ANC either commuted, or paid for their own move - which is much more expensive than packing your 'stuff' and heading for MEM. ANC doesn't enjoy no-harm, no-foul. ANC crews aren't able to commute into a trip without a legal rest, including the afternoon turns to OAK, IND, EWR, AFW, or MEM. This means you lose an extra day. This isn't necessarily an ALPA issue - it's what the Company wanted - and was comfortable with. After this debacle, I doubt the Company will ever get a MEM or LAX crew member to bid to ANC without significant incentives. As efficient as the Anchorage domicile is, pairings have been optimized to a point that 25% of the crews have a sick event monthly. The Company (crew force) average is around 4%. When the optimizer is turned on to build pairings, ultimately a LOT of hours are pulled back out of ANC because ANC isn't manned to fly it all. So . . . we're downsizing it?

Congress passed, and the President signed the age 60/65 legislation. Implementation of the age 60 rule was bad on both sides of the table. But it is what it is. As questioned in earlier posts - is a bid to the panel at age 60 a down-bid-in-lieu-of retirement, subjecting the crew member to a two year freeze? Remember - crews did have an option to NOT go to the panel - called retirement!

You didn't mention the B-777 issue, so I will. The Company is using 26.K.1 to operate the aircraft, with reference to 21.A.4. Unfortunately, I don't believe the System Board isn't allowed to establish or adjust pay rates. The B-777 isn't listed on the A-380 pay scale - nor is it listed on the MD-11/DC-10/A-300 pay scale. I'm not so sure I'd be willing to operate an aircraft without an established and agreed on pay rate. Today, it's conceivable the pay rate could start at narrow-body pay, and when a pay scale is established, the difference is paid . . . or not! And I haven't seen anything with regards to FLAG Ops. What happens when the B-777 crew does a domestic leg subjecting themselves to the 30/7 limitation? Will that be significant?

When the Company threatens to hire foreign crew members, consider our basic hiring requirements - FAA ATP, FE Written, 4 year degree from an accredited college/university, resided in the US for 5 years unless in the military, able to get a clearance (back ground investigation) to carry the USPS stuff, English proficient, and of course the verifiable flight hour minimums. Heck - we couldn't even verify the ages of the Chinese Olympic Women's Gymnastic Team! But, when we do find those crew members, our training department gets to train them. Hey - were any of you around when the Navy trained the Iranians in Pensacola, or the Air Force trained the Ethiopians? Can anybody spell 1,000 percent training?

Pipe - I think we are that good! I think we're headed in the correct direction, and I think we can develop the momentum to drive this ship! Trust and confidence are a HUGE factor, and as we move forward, the new MEC and NC will gain your trust and instill confidence.


subicpilot 04-08-2009 06:39 AM

Originally Posted by nakazawa (Post 592746)
In HKG, the Company needed the G/T waiver to allow the movement of crews between HKG-CAN. The company is asking for a 'carte-blanche' waiver to the CBA with ground transportation for EVERYBODY between HKG and CAN. This will migrate to everyplace where there's a long G/T, and an arbitrator will allow it if we agree to it now. If we agree to public transportation between HKG and CAN (train), the next thing you know we'll be on BART from OAK to SFO. Don't go there! Additionally, I don't believe the SIBA/STV crews are subject to the LOA, so they can't do the 3 hour G/T.Nakazawa

I think the surface transportation clause in the LOA amended the CBA. As such, it applies to everyone, international only. My take anyway. Surface transportation from HKG to CAN is estimated to be slightly over three hours. The limitations contained within Section 8.B.1. of the basic Agreement are waived for purposes of this LOA. Section 8.B.2., of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows:2. The surface transportation shall be provided on a non-public commercial operator; provided, however, that between international locations specifically approved by the SIG, (e.g., HKG-CAN), a pilot may be scheduled for ground transportation on a public commercial operator (e.g., train, hydrofoil).

FDXLAG 04-08-2009 06:57 AM

Originally Posted by nakazawa (Post 592746)
Pipe -

... In retrospect, it might have been more worth our while to not do an FDA LOA, establishing the FDAs and the moves using the procedures established in the CBA (chapter 6). The Company absolutely needed the scope wording for CDG so our crews wouldn't be subject to the EU and French labor laws/restrictions, and monthly strikes. I believe the wording is something like - MEM domiciled crew members residing in Paris subject to the RLA. In HKG, the Company needed the G/T waiver to allow the movement of crews between HKG-CAN...


Good post, I think pipe was addressing the company not the union but I am not sure.

One thing to add. The company needed Tax Equalization. Everything else was just chatter. And yes we would have been better off with out the LOAs.

nakazawa 04-08-2009 07:18 AM

Subic -
I just talked with 'enforcement' - and the LOA is for the FDA folks. There have been 'discussions' about the rest of the international crews and G/T between CAN-HKG, but so far - we're not part of it. We need to explain clearly to the SIG we're not interested! An amendment to the CBA would impact the entire crew force.
The next 'curve-ball' to field will be the STV crews when that begins. They will be authorized 'family' tickets to stay in a HKG hotel. Will those crews be subject to the LOA? Will they be limited to the CBA 2 hour G/T limit? As I've mentioned before, the Company is going to need some help, and the 4.A.2.b., 26.K.1., 5.B.2, 25.D.1.a-e, and excess bid issues aren't winning them any friends right now.

990Convair 04-08-2009 07:18 AM

Originally Posted by subicpilot (Post 592753)
I think the surface transportation clause in the LOA amended the CBA. As such, it applies to everyone, international only. My take anyway. Surface transportation from HKG to CAN is estimated to be slightly over three hours. The limitations contained within Section 8.B.1. of the basic Agreement are waived for purposes of this LOA. Section 8.B.2., of the Agreement shall be amended to read as follows:2. The surface transportation shall be provided on a non-public commercial operator; provided, however, that between international locations specifically approved by the SIG, (e.g., HKG-CAN), a pilot may be scheduled for ground transportation on a public commercial operator (e.g., train, hydrofoil).

Just my opinion, but if we are subject to a 3 hour Asian ground transport, there should be only LIMO's allowed and they should be stocked with at least 3 fine looking Chinese hotties.

990Convair 04-08-2009 07:19 AM

Can we get an LOA on this, please?

Gooch121 04-08-2009 07:34 AM

Originally Posted by 990Convair (Post 592779)
Can we get an LOA on this, please?

Don't think we need an LOA.:(

Remember, one of our recent votes now allows the MEC Chairman to work out these pesky details directly with the Company.:eek::mad:

Wildmanny 04-08-2009 07:36 AM

Nakazawa for MEC Vice!

viperdriver 04-08-2009 08:55 AM

Do you realize that the Union proposed if we are under 4A2B in May 2010 the company should go ahead and furlough? And that the junior pilots jobs should be protected for a REASONABLE amount of time? We will probably still be overmanned in May 2010.

That part was shocking.

2cylinderdriver 04-08-2009 12:30 PM

Originally Posted by viperdriver (Post 592832)
Do you realize that the Union proposed if we are under 4A2B in May 2010 the company should go ahead and furlough? And that the junior pilots jobs should be protected for a REASONABLE amount of time? We will probably still be overmanned in May 2010.

That part was shocking.

I suggest reading the entire proposal, it does not read as an ultimatum on furlough. That decision will always lie with FDX Mgt, it appears to be an attempt to find a reasonable end to 4.a.2.b since it is undefined.

Take a look at the other thread for some other replies on this topic. How long should we give the Company to use 4.a.2.b. ? Right now they hold all the cards and I think they need to eventually prove the existence of an actual furlough that they are "preventing" or "delaying".

Piloto Noche 04-08-2009 01:08 PM

Originally Posted by 2cylinderdriver (Post 592981)
I suggest reading the entire proposal, it does not read as an ultimatum on furlough. That decision will always lie with FDX Mgt, it appears to be an attempt to find a reasonable end to 4.a.2.b since it is undefined.

Take a look at the other thread for some other replies on this topic. How long should we give the Company to use 4.a.2.b. ? Right now they hold all the cards and I think they need to eventually prove the existence of an actual furlough that they are "preventing" or "delaying".

Isn't "preventing" or "delaying" a furlough a bit like, "creating" or "saving" 300,000 jobs? How can either be truly verified?

FDXLAG 04-08-2009 01:17 PM

Originally Posted by Piloto Noche (Post 592998)
Isn't "preventing" or "delaying" a furlough a bit like, "creating" or "saving" 300,000 jobs? How can either be truly verified?

Man are you out to lunch, it is creating or saving 4,500,000 jobs. You do that buy canceling the F-22 so you can afford to give 4 million to acorn.

pipe 04-08-2009 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by 990Convair (Post 592778)
Just my opinion, but if we are subject to a 3 hour Asian ground transport, there should be only LIMO's allowed and they should be stocked with at least 3 fine looking Chinese hotties.

You shouldn't put all three of them in one car -- what if there's an accident?


pipe 04-08-2009 03:36 PM

Originally Posted by FDXLAG (Post 592725)
Hard to tell if you are talking about the Ops or the MEC. I need more information.

The company.


Busboy 04-08-2009 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by FDXLAG (Post 593007)
Man are you out to lunch, it is creating or saving 4,500,000 jobs. You do that buy canceling the F-22 so you can afford to give 4 million to acorn.

You really seem to enjoy discussing politics. Or, at least giving us your view on political issues. It's so refreshing and informative. And, it never gets old reading it. You're a free thinking "Dittohead", you are.

Thank you.:rolleyes:

FDXLAG 04-08-2009 07:17 PM

Originally Posted by Busboy (Post 593177)
You really seem to enjoy discussing politics. Or, at least giving us your view on political issues. It's so refreshing and informative. And, it never gets old reading it. You're a free thinking "Dittohead", you are.

Thank you.:rolleyes:

Glad to be of help;)

Daniel Larusso 04-08-2009 07:19 PM

You really seem to enjoy discussing politics.
I thought that was part of the standard brief for all FX pilots........

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