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J Dawg 05-21-2009 11:06 PM

Originally Posted by jumbodriver (Post 614829)
So we are way short. Now what? Over 500 have not signed up, ....

No, over 2,500 have not signed up....

Spoon 05-21-2009 11:16 PM

Good point.

Stuntpilot 05-22-2009 04:52 AM

JRT123, Southern English is my thing! You funny too! :)

UPSFO4LIFE 05-22-2009 08:37 AM

I am signing up today as I had planned to do last week. Now that there is a change in the RGL options, I will be signing up for even more. I just don't get it though. I talked to one of the 300 and he had no clue about the MOU. He knew it was out there, but did not seem interested in participation. It was like he was living in some other world. Please guys, if you could just sign up for one or two bid periods of a 65 hour line, please do so. I would be very disappointed in this pilot group if we allow UPS to furlough..

cessnapilot 05-22-2009 09:34 AM

Originally Posted by jumbodriver (Post 614829)
So we are way short. Now what? Over 500 have not signed up, maybe they are just waiting to sign up last minute, kinda like the last second schedule bidders, Surprise!

Future looks bleak....

and there are some new terms for different RDG.... I guess UPS is playing nice and wants this to work to... not to mention they extended the deadline a couple of days...

Airbum 05-22-2009 10:20 AM

Originally Posted by UPSFO4LIFE (Post 615388)
. I would be very disappointed in this pilot group if we allow UPS to furlough..

I just don't get this way of thinking. What other pilot group has gotten even as far as this MOU? The contract is still in one piece with senior members volunteering to give up pay to help somebody else. It may not pass but a realistic view of what has happened at other airlines should clearly show a great effort by the IPA membership.

Also remember that UPS is the deciding factor in if they "allow" furloughs not the union.

UPSFO4LIFE 05-22-2009 10:57 AM

Originally Posted by Airbum (Post 615448)
I just don't get this way of thinking. What other pilot group has gotten even as far as this MOU? The contract is still in one piece with senior members volunteering to give up pay to help somebody else. It may not pass but a realistic view of what has happened at other airlines should clearly show a great effort by the IPA membership.

Also remember that UPS is the deciding factor in if they "allow" furloughs not the union.

A great effort by the IPA leadership, not IPA membership. 350 out of 2900 is not a great effort any way you slice it. Obviously that number will increase, but will it be enough? From what I have seen while flying the last two weeks, the senior membership as well as the junior membership have not stepped up to the plate. If we get the numbers that are in the MOU, then no sir, the deciding factor is not with UPS. That's why they call it a MOU. We get the numbers, no furlough. It does not get any easier to understand than that.

And as far as other airlines, tell me one that has furloughed while making millions in profit every quarter? UPS is not like other airlines, if you know what I mean.

Jolly 05-22-2009 11:09 AM

Originally Posted by Precontact (Post 615135)
Either way this thing goes down, it will be a case study in modern corporate/union relations. Unions are struggling these days, and we have a chance to make a statement and help determine our own futures.

Personally I haven't yet signed up as I am on the road but will sign up for military leave when I get back to my military unit early next week. I think we will come through; it seems this group always comes through at the end (remember 808 by 8/08???). There are some in our union who just don't get it, don't care, or feel it's a personal thing against UPS to not do anything. The best thing we can do is encourage the guys/girls you fly with to sign up for something.

I am in the same situation, taking 60 days or more of Mil is extremely difficult to snag. Most of us are going to have to stitch together some kind of pay check just for the near term. The extension has given me more time to be creative to develope more options, however, this window will close. I am flying with two captains that worked out a JS while we ate dinner. This is about unity, regardless of your personal logic. The contract in 2012+ will be effected by what happens now.


TipTip35 05-22-2009 01:15 PM

I wonder what effect the message sent out by the union a week or so ago that stated participation was strong across all groups had on people continuing to sign up. Maybe those first few signed up quickly and made them optimistic. I for one remember thinking "oh, it looks like we'll get our #s" and was in no rush to submit my paperwork (although I did today).

Also do you guys think the majority of us are paying close attention to this. I think a small percentage actually follow the forums closely (APC and B&G). I dont know how many read the daily union messages. I could be wrong (hope I am) about who's really pay attention but its obviously a problem if a lot of folks are somewhat oblivious to all thats happening....

Also thought the message sent out by the IPA last night was pretty good and cleared up a lot of rumors and misconceptions

Freightpuppy 05-22-2009 01:20 PM

Originally Posted by UPSFO4LIFE (Post 615388)
I am signing up today as I had planned to do last week. Now that there is a change in the RGL options, I will be signing up for even more. I just don't get it though. I talked to one of the 300 and he had no clue about the MOU. He knew it was out there, but did not seem interested in participation. It was like he was living in some other world. Please guys, if you could just sign up for one or two bid periods of a 65 hour line, please do so. I would be very disappointed in this pilot group if we allow UPS to furlough..

Well, he will be living in another world soon enough....a world without a job if this thing doesn't pass.

I agree with you 100%....if everyone would just sign up for one or two bid periods of RLG, it would make a huge impact.

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