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Balut 09-15-2009 12:51 PM

Originally Posted by navigatro (Post 679022)
happened in CMH (Columbus OH) last night. They (American Eagle) reported it to the tower, who reported it to Columbus Police. The police helicopter got lased and they caught the idiots. 2 charged with felonies. One of the suspects is an Army helicopter mechanic home on leave. Did I say idiots????

The Columbus Dispatch : Two charged with pointing laser at airplane, helicopter

Read some of the comments posted by readers of the article. Some defending kids as just having fun and over-reaction from the police. Those people are even bigger idiots!

Lindy 09-15-2009 01:21 PM

What EVERYONE needs to know:

The laser event last night is identical to the crew pulled off their trip in July!

Right Pattern for 5R, between 5,000'-7,000' (and on a Monday Night).

The crew stated that "they felt like they were being tracked" because the laser entered the cockpit 2 or 3 times.

Also, in addition to the FSR, there is a company security report to be completed.

Goose17 09-15-2009 01:34 PM

You guys crack me up

Originally Posted by Lippy (Post 679036)
They must not have heard you were 'hand' selected for Talons. I, too , hope you're ok.

I haven't noticed any lingering eye issues. It sure was bright though. And yes, it did track the aircraft.


seven6 09-15-2009 02:07 PM

Originally Posted by Goose17 (Post 678999)
Be careful flying around IND - I got hit in the face/eyes with a powerful green laser last night. We were descending through around 7,000' setting up for a right downwind to 5R when I saw a flash up above my head inside the cockpit. I looked up and saw nothing. I then saw something out of the corner of my eye coming from over my right shoulder… I looked right and got hit square with a bright green laser. It was very brief, but obviously I have concerns. We'll see what my next eye test uncovers.

The source appeared to come from E/NE - roughly a 060 course just outside of the tall buildings of downtown proper. I'm assuming it is a telescope mounted system as it seemed pretty accurate in hitting us more than one in the cockpit.

It would be nice to see these bozos caught.



I’ve been hit once by a laser directly in the eye while flying an approach… We immediately notified ATC and they warned other aircraft via ATIS. I later got an email from the FAA as well as my chief pilot asking me to fill out a questionnaire (questions such as did you encounter momentary blindness, permanent damage, location of the incident, etc) and to discuss the incident in detail.

I was pretty ticked about this especially since I new the jerks were tracking our aircraft too. Having done a lot of training in the area I new EXACTLY (plus/minus 1 block) where the laser came from and was ready to drive over there myself, until I got reassigned. So instead, I used Google maps and made a quick PowerPoint presentation with the satellite images on the location of the laser beam. I submitted it to my airline and the FAA and they were very pleased with it.

If you have the time and know the location pretty well I would suggest you do the same. Go on Google maps, type in the airport, and use the “Screen-print” function to make a copy of the satellite-image map. Edit it in paint and paste the image in PowerPoint. I had about 6 pictures, starting with a zoomed-in screenshot of the location to a zoomed-out screenshot with a drawing of our flight path and a circle indicating the source of the laser.

Let me know if you need any help, and best of luck to you.

shfo 09-15-2009 03:29 PM

What is with these people doing this recently. Aircraft flying into SEA have been hit quite regularly the past few months. Even a WASP 182 was hit. Those guys got caught. Last week I heard multiple reports over the SMO vor going into LAX of people on the pier shining lasers at planes. These people need to be caught and be made into examples of what happens when you do this and be charged with domestic terrorism, assault, and attempting to take down an airliner.

USMCFLYR 09-15-2009 03:34 PM

Originally Posted by shfo (Post 679136)
What is with these people doing this recently. Aircraft flying into SEA have been hit quite regularly the past few months. Even a WASP 182 was hit. Those guys got caught. Last week I heard multiple reports over the SMO vor going into LAX of people on the pier shining lasers at planes. These people need to be caught and be made into examples of what happens when you do this and be charged with domestic terrorism.

Maybe a little **Clockwork Orange** REEDUCATION - but involving the use of lasers :D;)
I am amazed (and not in a good way) reading the comments of some in conjunction with the web news report. They really have no idea do they?


OKLATEX 09-15-2009 04:08 PM

Recommendation from the company during ground school last spring regarding lasers was to get to the Eye Doctor ASAP after an event. The damage done in the first 24 hours, I think it was 24 hours, can be reversed if you do. If you wait, the damage is lasting. They said some Delta Captain got hit and if he had gone in sooner they would have been able to help him.

Hope y'all are alright. Nothing to fool around with!

slipped 09-15-2009 04:47 PM

I doubt you or anyone will have serious or permanent damage from this.

MD11Fr8Dog 09-15-2009 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by v1 uh-oh (Post 679002)
You're not the first. Another crew got hit by a green laser, and got pulled off their trip.

There were a couple in IND a couple months back. Had a buddy get lazed.

Goose17 09-15-2009 05:11 PM

I really don't know the area that well and don't have any more detail on the source than what I said already. The laser came into the cockpit from our 4:00 and it wasn't REAL close to the plane. I wish I could pinpoint it better on a map.

Just be careful.


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